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Meeting Agenda

jedpittman edited this page Sep 22, 2020 · 2 revisions

Agenda for weekly meetings

Personal Catch Up 7:15-7:30; Admin 7:30-7:45; Breakout Coding from 7:45-8:45; Regroup 8:45-9:00


Facilitator showing the sprint board (Refresh the group on the sprint goals/timeline)

Groom new work (Faciliator showing the backlog board)

Facilitator showing the sprint board.

What did you work on since last week?

  1. Is it finished?
  2. Are you stuck/blocked on anything?
  3. What do you have to do tonight or do you need an assignment/talk about what you're going to do.


  1. Who plans to be available/working this week?
  2. What was done tonight
  3. Does everyone planning to work have stuff for the upcoming week?

Agenda for Sprint Recap/Planning meetings (Last week of each sprint)

Personal Catch Up 7:15-7:30; Admin 7:30-8:15; Issue Creation from 8:15-8:30; Grooming/Assignment 8:30-9:00


  1. Demo
  2. Discussion/Questions
  3. Goals (3-4) measurable goals for the coming sprint (including criteria so we know if they are met by the user)

Issue Creation

  1. Enter issues
  • Try to make issues as clear as possible.
  • Issues should have a little background.
  • Issues should note and link to any other issues they depend on.
  • Issues should have criteria for if they are complete based on user input from goals
  • Try to keep issues at 2-4 hour range (small); When you think a task is medium (4-8 hours) or large (8-12 hours) note (medium or large) in the title.