Official repository for "Less Defined Knowledge and More True Alarms: Reference-based Phishing Detection without a Pre-defined Reference List". Published in USENIX Security 2024.
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Existing reference-based phishing detection:
- ❌ Relies on a pre-defined reference list, which is lack of comprehensiveness and incurs high maintenance cost
- ❌ Does not fully make use of the textual semantics present on the webpage
In our PhishLLM, we build a reference-based phishing detection framework:
- ✅ Without the pre-defined reference list: Modern LLMs have encoded far more extensive brand-domain information than any predefined list
- ✅ Chain-of-thought credential-taking prediction: Reasoning the credential-taking status in a step-by-step way by looking at the text
: a URL and its screenshot, Output
: Phish/Benign, Phishing target
Step 1: Brand recognition model
- Input: Logo caption, Logo OCR Results
- Intermediate Output: LLM's predicted brand
- Output: Validated predicted brand, confirmed through Google Images
Step 2: Credential-Requiring-Page classification model
- Input: Webpage OCR results
- Output: LLM chooses from A. Credential-Taking Page or B. Non-Credential-Taking Page
- Go to step 4 if LLM chooses 'A', otherwise go to step 3.
Step 3: Credential-Requiring-Page transition model (activates if LLM chooses 'B' from the last step)
- Input: All clickable UI elements
- Intermediate Output: Top-1 most likely login UI
- Output: Webpage after clicking that UI, go back to Step 1 with the updated webpage and URL
Step 4: Output step
Case 1: If the domain is from a web hosting domain: it is flagged as phishing if (i) LLM predicts a targeted brand inconsistent with the webpage's domain and (ii) LLM chooses 'A' from Step 2
Case 2: If the domain is not from a web hosting domain: it is flagged as phishing if (i) LLM predicts a targeted brand inconsistent with the webpage's domain (ii) LLM chooses 'A' from Step 2 and (iii) the domain is not a popular domain indexed by Google
Otherwise: reported as benign
scripts/ ├── infer/ │ └── # inference script ├── train/ │ └── # training script for the CRP transition model (a CLIP model) ├── pipeline/ │ └── # TestLLM class ├── data/ # data utilities └── utils/ # other utitiles such as web interaction utility functions experiments/ ├── ablation_study/ # ablation study in RQ2 and public phishing study in RQ4 ├── componentwise_evaluation/ # component-wise evaluation experiments in RQ2, RQ3 └── field_study/ # Large/Small-scale field study in RQ4 prompts/ ├── brand_recog_prompt.json └── crp_pred_prompt.json server/ # deployment scripts to deploy PhishLLM demo website
- Step 1: Clone the Repository and Install Requirements. A new conda environment "phishllm" will be created
cd PhishLLM/
chmod +x ./
export ENV_NAME="phishllm" && ./
Step 2: Register OpenAI API Key, See Tutorial here. Paste the API key to './datasets/openai_key.txt'.
Step 3: Register a Google Programmable Search API Key, See Tutorial here. Paste your API Key (in the first line) and Search Engine ID (in the second line) to "./datasets/google_api_key.txt":
Step 4 (Optional): Edit Hyperparameters. All hyperparameter configurations are in param_dict.yaml.
To test on your own dataset, you need to prepare the dataset in the following structure:
testing_dir/ ├── │ ├── shot.png # save the webpage screenshot │ ├── info.txt # save the webpage URL │ └── html.txt # save the webpage HTML source ├── │ ├── shot.png # save the webpage screenshot │ ├── info.txt # save the webpage URL │ └── html.txt # save the webpage HTML source ├── │ ├── shot.png # save the webpage screenshot │ ├── info.txt # save the webpage URL │ └── html.txt # save the webpage HTML source
conda activate phishllm
python -m scripts.infer.test --folder [folder to test, e.g., ./testing_dir]
You will see the console is printing logs like the following
Expand to see the sample log
[PhishLLMLogger][DEBUG] Folder ./datasets/field_study/2023-09-01/ [PhishLLMLogger][DEBUG] Logo caption: the logo for sonicwall network security appliance [PhishLLMLogger][DEBUG] Logo OCR: SONICWALL Network Security Appliance Username [PhishLLMLogger][DEBUG] Industry: Technology [PhishLLMLogger][DEBUG] LLM prediction time: 0.9699530601501465 [PhishLLMLogger][DEBUG] Detected brand: [PhishLLMLogger][DEBUG] Domain is valid and alive [PhishLLMLogger][DEBUG] CRP prediction: There is no confusing token. Then we find the keywords that are related to login: LOG IN. Additionally, the presence of "Username" suggests that this page requires credentials. Therefore, the answer would be A. [💥] Phishing discovered, phishing target is [PhishLLMLogger][DEBUG] Folder ./datasets/field_study/2023-09-01/ [PhishLLMLogger][DEBUG] Logo caption: a black and white photo of the word hello world [PhishLLMLogger][DEBUG] Logo OCR: Hello world! Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing! dezembro 2, 2021 publicado [PhishLLMLogger][DEBUG] Industry: Uncategorized [PhishLLMLogger][DEBUG] LLM prediction time: 0.8813009262084961 [PhishLLMLogger][DEBUG] Detected brand: [PhishLLMLogger][DEBUG] Domain is valid and alive [PhishLLMLogger][DEBUG] CRP prediction: There is no token or keyword related to login or sensitive information. Therefore the answer would be B. [PhishLLMLogger][DEBUG] No candidate login button to click [✅] Benign
Meanwhile, a txt file named "[today's date]_phishllm.txt" is being created, it has the following columns:
- "folder": name of the folder
- "phish_prediction": "phish" | "benign"
- "target_prediction": phishing target brand's domain, e.g.,
- "brand_recog_time": time taken for brand recognition
- "crp_prediction_time": time taken for CRP prediction
- "crp_transition_time": time taken for CRP transition
Alternatively, if you would like to re-train the CRP transition model, which is a CLIP model. We have annotated a dataset for login UI / non-login UI elements.
- First download the dataset from here: Put all files under ./datasets/
- Start training:
conda activate phishllm python -m scripts.train.train --epoch 5 --batch_size 128 --lr 0.00001 --annot_path ./datasets/alexa_login_train.txt --dataset_root ./datasets/alexa_login
You can change the GPT model you want to use in the LLM_model
argument in param_dict.yaml, default is "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k".
Please check the list of GPT models you can use.
title={Less Defined Knowledge and More True Alarms: Reference-based Phishing Detection without a Pre-defined Reference List},
author={Liu, Ruofan and Lin, Yun and Teoh, Xiwen and Liu, Gongshen and Huang, Zhiyong and Dong, Jin Song},
booktitle={33rd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 24)},
If you have any issues running our code, you can raise a Github issue or email us [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]