This repo holds files for the Code Mentoring website which brings together information about our community, meetups, projects, and recommended learning resources.
This file documents:
- How jekyll makes the website
- How to install jekyll for local development
- How to make changes to the website
Jekyll generates the _site directory and contents from the following:
- index.markdown -> home landing page
- _config.yml -> config/header/footer info
- 404.html -> used when link files not found
- (We will add more here as we go!)
The production (live) page can be found at:
After performing the following installation you should be able to:
- view the website locally via your browser
- modify the markdown files for to update the website
Install necessary packages to run jekyll
Get jekyll and bundler:
gem install jekyll bundler
For more details:
Target this (local) directory for gems to install (from this dir):
bundle config set --local path 'vendor/bundle'
Update the gems
bundle update
Serve the website locally
bundle exec jekyll serve
View the website in your browser with url: localhost:4000
If you make a change to the website:
- Test your changes locally, ensure you didn't break anything else!
- Commit and push to your own forked repo (see git tutorials for how this works)
- Make a pull request on code-mentoring's github.
- After your change has been approved, it will be merged. After merging you will be able to see your changes go live.
- Set an upstream repo:
- git remote add upstream
- Verify:
- git remote -v
- Fetch code-mentoring changes:
- git fetch upstream
- Then merge them into your local:
- git merge upstream/main
- Then update your remote fork:
- git push