Demonstration of milsymbol javascript library integration in a Qt/QML application (will eventually grow to an ORBAT editor).
Include src/milsymbol-qml.pri
in your main .pro
project file:
# your QMake configuration
QT += quick
// yourmain.qml
import QtQuick 2.11
import QtQuick.Controls 2.4
import 'qrc:/Milsymbol' 1.0
// Then use Ms. module as you would with regular milsymbol library:
Window {
id: window
visible: true
width: 900; height: 550
title: qsTr("Milsymbol.js QML Demo")
property var symbol: new Ms.Symbol('sfgpewrh--mt', {
size: 35,
quantity: 200,
staffComments: "for reinforcements".toUpperCase(),
additionalInformation: "added support for JJ".toUpperCase(),
direction: (750*360/6400),
type: "machine gun".toUpperCase(),
dtg: "30140000ZSEP97",
location: "0900000.0E570306.0N"})
Image {
anchors.fill: parent
source: 'data:image/svg+xml;utf8,' + window.symbol.asSVG();
// Do not forget to configure sourceSize: "400x400"
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
milsymbol-qml is distributed with pre-built Milsymbol javascript library 'milsymbol.developement.js' and 'milstd.js'. Theses files could be regenerated with the following commands:
# Building milsymbol.js
$ git clone
$ cd milsymbol
$ npm install
$ npm run bundle
# target milsymbol.development.js is in ./dist directory, replace the file in milsymbol-qml/src
# Building milstd.js
$ git clone
$ cd milstd
$ npm install
$ npm run build
# target milstd.js is in current directory, replace the file in milsymbol-qml/src
Refer to sample/ for an example of integration with QMake.
Milsymbol is (c) 2017
Inspiration for UI components:
Licence: MIT