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initial, extraction from system files, system navigator, cloxp trace
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rksm committed Mar 10, 2015
0 parents commit 06edac3
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Showing 7 changed files with 255 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions project.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
(defproject org.rksm/cloxp-source-reader "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "Source reading, parsing, and querying for cloxp."
:license "MIT"
:url ""
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"]])
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions src/rksm/cloxp_source_reader/ast_reader.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
(ns rksm.cloxp-source-reader.ast-reader
(:require [ :as ana-ast]
[ :as ana-jvm]
[clojure.set :as set]
[rksm.cloxp-source-reader.core :refer (read-objs)]))

; -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; parsing via tools.analyzer

(defn- find-defs
(let [child-result (mapcat find-defs (ana-ast/children expr))
my-result (if (= :def (:op expr))
(->> expr ((juxt :env #(hash-map :name (:name %)))) (apply merge)))]
(if my-result
(conj child-result my-result)

(defn- file-loc-id
[{line :line, column :column}]
{:line line, :column column})

(defn- merge-read-objs-with-ast
[ast-defs read-objs]
(let [indexed-a (apply merge (map #(hash-map (file-loc-id %) %) ast-defs))
indexed-b (apply merge (map #(hash-map (file-loc-id %) %) read-objs))
ids-both (set/intersection (-> indexed-a keys set) (-> indexed-b keys set))
a (map (partial get indexed-a) ids-both)
b (map (partial get indexed-b) ids-both)]
(->> (concat a b)
(group-by file-loc-id)
(map (partial apply merge)))))

(defn read-and-parse
[src namespace]
(let [read (read-objs src)
forms (map :form read)
ast (ana-jvm/analyze
(list forms)
{:context :eval, :locals {}, :ns namespace})
defs (find-defs ast)]
(merge-read-objs-with-ast defs read)))
115 changes: 115 additions & 0 deletions src/rksm/cloxp_source_reader/core.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
(ns rksm.cloxp-source-reader.core
(:require [ :as trt]
[ :as tr]
[clojure.string :as s]
[rksm.system-files :refer (source-reader-for-ns)])
(:import ( LineNumberReader InputStreamReader PushbackReader)
(clojure.lang RT)))

(defn purge-string!
(let [buf (-> rdr .rdr .source_log_frames var-get :buffer)
str (.toString buf)]
(.delete buf 0 (count str))

(defn read-objs
"Reads sexps from rdr-or-src and returns them as a {:form :source :line
:column} map. Note: this is more that the typical reader gives us."
; FIXME this is hacked...
(let [rdr (trt/indexing-push-back-reader (trt/source-logging-push-back-reader rdr-or-src))]
(loop [result []]
(let [start-line (trt/get-line-number rdr)
start-column (trt/get-column-number rdr)]
(if-let [o (tr/read rdr false nil)]
(let [raw-str (purge-string! rdr)
lines (s/split-lines raw-str)
no-ws-lines (take-while #(re-find #"^\s*(;.*)?$" %) lines)
src-lines (drop (count no-ws-lines) lines)
first-line-ws-match (re-matches #"^(\s*)(.*)" (first src-lines))
src-lines (assoc (vec src-lines) 0 (nth first-line-ws-match 2))
src (s/join "\n" src-lines)
line (+ (count no-ws-lines) start-line)
column (+ start-column (count (second first-line-ws-match)))]
(when (= \newline (trt/peek-char rdr))
(trt/read-char rdr)
(purge-string! rdr))
(recur (conj result {:form o ;(with-meta o (assoc (meta o) :source src))
:source src
:line line
:column column})))

(defn- read-next-obj
"follows the reader while it core/reads an object and returns the string in
range of what was read"
(let [text (StringBuilder.)
pbr (proxy [PushbackReader] [rdr]
(read []
(let [i (proxy-super read)]
(if (> i -1) (.append text (char i)))
(if (= :unknown *read-eval*)
(throw (IllegalStateException. "Unable to read source while *read-eval* is :unknown."))
(tr/read (PushbackReader. pbr) false nil))
(str text)))

(defn- read-entity-source
"goes forward in line numbering reader until line of entity is reached and
reads that as an object"
[{lrdr :lrdr, sources :sources, :as record} meta-entity]
(or (if-let [line (:line meta-entity)]
(dotimes [_ (dec (- line (.getLineNumber lrdr)))] (.readLine lrdr))
(let [new-meta (merge meta-entity {:source (read-next-obj lrdr)})]
(update-in record [:sources] conj new-meta))))

(defn add-source-to-interns-with-reader
"interns are supposed to be meta-data-like maps, at least including :line for
the entity to be read"
[rdr interns]
(let [source-data {:lrdr (LineNumberReader. rdr), :sources []}]
(if-let [result (reduce read-entity-source source-data interns)]
(:sources result)

(defn add-source-to-interns
"alternative for `source-for-symbol`. Instead of using clojure.repl this
functions uses the classloader info provided by system-files to find more
recent versions of the source.
NOTE: If there are multiple versions a lib on the classpath than it is
possible that this function will retrieve code that i not actually in the
system! (and the system meta data will clash with the actual file contents)"
[ns interns & [ns-file-path]]
(if-let [rdr (source-reader-for-ns ns ns-file-path)]
(with-open [rdr rdr]
(add-source-to-interns-with-reader rdr interns))

(defn add-source-to-interns
"alternative for `source-for-symbol`. Instead of using clojure.repl this
functions uses the classloader info provided by system-files to find more
recent versions of the source.
NOTE: If there are multiple versions a lib on the classpath than it is
possible that this function will retrieve code that i not actually in the
system! (and the system meta data will clash with the actual file contents)"
[ns interns & [ns-file-path]]
(if-let [rdr (source-reader-for-ns ns ns-file-path)]
(with-open [rdr rdr]
(add-source-to-interns-with-reader rdr interns))

; -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

; (defn add-source-to-interns-from-repl
; "This method uses the RT/baseloader to lookup the files belonging to symbols.
; When files get reloaded / defs redefined this can mean that the code being
; retrieved is outdated"
; [ns intern-meta-data]
; (let [ns-string (str (ns-name ns))
; sym-fn (partial symbol ns-string)
; source-fn #(or (source-for-symbol (sym-fn (-> % :name str))) "")]
; (map #(assoc % :source (source-fn %)) intern-meta-data)))
73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions test/rksm/cloxp_source_reader/test.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
(ns rksm.cloxp-source-reader.test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[rksm.cloxp-source-reader.core :as src-rdr]
[rksm.cloxp-source-reader.ast-reader :as ast-rdr]
(rksm.cloxp-source-reader.test dummy-1 dummy-3)))

(deftest ast-reader-reading

(testing "simple read"
(is (= [{:form '(ns rksm.cloxp-source-reader.test.dummy-3),
:source "(ns rksm.cloxp-source-reader.test.dummy-3)",
:line 1,
:column 1}
{:form '(def x 23), :source "(def x 23)", :line 2, :column 3}]
(src-rdr/read-objs "(ns rksm.cloxp-source-reader.test.dummy-3)\n (def x 23)\n")))))

(deftest ast-reader-parsing

(testing "parse source"
(let [src "(ns rksm.cloxp-source-reader.test.dummy-3)\n (defmacro b [] `~23)\n(+ 2 3)\n(defn foo [] `~23)\n"
expected [{:ns 'rksm.cloxp-source-reader.test.dummy-3,
:name 'foo,
:source "(defn foo [] `~23)",
:line 4}
{:ns 'rksm.cloxp-source-reader.test.dummy-3,
:name 'b,
:source "(defmacro b [] `~23)"
:line 2}]]
(is (= expected
(map #(select-keys % [:name :ns :source :line])
(ast-rdr/read-and-parse src 'rksm.cloxp-source-reader.test.dummy-3)))))))

; -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

(deftest source-retrieval
; (testing "get source for intern"
; (is (= "(def x 23)"
; (source-for-symbol 'rksm.cloxp-source-reader.test.dummy-1/x))))

(testing "extract meta entities from source"

(testing "meta entities match source"
(is (= [{:source "(def x 23)" :column 1,:line 1}
{:source "(def y 24)" :column 1,:line 2}]
(let [entities [{:column 1,:line 1} {:column 1,:line 2}]
source ( "(def x 23)\n(def y 24)\n")]
(src-rdr/add-source-to-interns-with-reader source entities)))))

(testing "less meta entities than source"
(is (= [{:source "(def x 23)" :column 1,:line 1}
{:source "(def y 24)" :column 1,:line 6}]
(let [entities [{:column 1,:line 1} {:column 1,:line 6}]
source ( "(def x 23)\n(def baz\n\n99)\n\n(def y 24)\n")]
(src-rdr/add-source-to-interns-with-reader source entities)))))

(testing "more meta entities than source"
(is (= [{:source "(def x 23)" :column 1,:line 1} {:source "" :column 1,:line 6}]
(let [entities [{:column 1,:line 1} {:column 1,:line 6}]
source ( "(def x 23)")]
(src-rdr/add-source-to-interns-with-reader source entities)))))

(testing "not entities in source"
"this might be kind of unexpected but the reader des not care bout lines"
(is (= [{:source "(def y 24)" :column 1,:line 3} {:source "" :column 1,:line 6}]
(let [entities [{:column 1,:line 3} {:column 1,:line 6}]
source ( "(def x 23)\n\n(def y 24)")]
(src-rdr/add-source-to-interns-with-reader source entities)))))))

; -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

(test-ns 'rksm.cloxp-source-reader.test))
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions test/rksm/cloxp_source_reader/test/dummy_1.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
(ns rksm.cloxp-source-reader.test.dummy-1)

(def x 23)
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions test/rksm/cloxp_source_reader/test/dummy_3.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
(ns rksm.cloxp-source-reader.test.dummy-3)

(def x 23)

(defonce dummy-atom (atom []))

(defn test-func
(swap! dummy-atom conj (+ x y)))

(defmacro foo
[x & body]
`(foo ~x ~@body))

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