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A set of load tests for OCM's clusters-service, based on vegeta.


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A set of load tests for OCM's clusters-service, based on vegeta.


  • Go >= 1.15

To get all modules to local cache run

go mod dowload

How to run?

Compile using make and run as a simple binary:

./ocm-load-test --test-id=foo --ocm-token=$OCM_TOKEN --duration=20m --rate=5/s --output-path=./results --test-names="<test_name>[,...]"
./ocm-load-test --config-file /path/to/config

if your config-file is named config.yaml and it in the same path as your binary, it will be autodetected and you could run by just calling it:



Note: Flags always take precedence over config file.

Default values don't count for precedence.

      --aws-access-key string      AWS access key
      --aws-access-secret string   AWS access secret
      --aws-account-id string      AWS Account ID, is the 12-digit account number.
      --aws-region string          AWS region (default "us-west-1")
      --config-file string         config file (default "config.yaml")
      --cooldown int               Cooldown time between tests in seconds. (default 10)
      --duration int               Duration of each individual run in minutes. (default 1)
      --elastic-index string       Elasticsearch index to store the documents
      --elastic-password string    Elasticsearch Password for authentication
      --elastic-server string      Elasticsearch cluster URL
      --elastic-user string        Elasticsearch User for authentication
      --elastic-insecure-skip-verify bool        Elasticsearch skip tls verifcation during authentication
      --end-rate int               Ending request per second rate. (E.g.: 5 would be 5 req/s)
      --gateway-url string         Gateway url to perform the test against (default "")
  -h, --help                       help for ocm-api-load
      --ocm-token string           OCM Authorization token
      --ocm-token-url string       Token URL (default "")
      --output-path string         Output directory for result and report files (default "results")
      --ramp-duration int          Duration of ramp in minutes, before normal execution. (default 0)
      --ramp-steps int             Number of stepts to get from start rate to end rate. (Minimum 2 steps)
      --ramp-type string           Type of ramp to use for all tests. (linear, exponential)
      --rate string                Rate of the attack. Format example 5/s. (Available units 'ns', 'us', 'ms', 's', 'm', 'h') (default "1/s")
      --start-rate int             Starting request per second rate. (E.g.: 5 would be 5 req/s)
      --test-id string             Unique ID to identify the test run. UUID is recommended (default "c160dab1-7fa3-4965-9797-47da16e5c1b9")
      --test-names strings         Names for the tests to be run.
  -v, --verbose                    set this flag to activate verbose logging.


Name Endpoint Method
self-access-token /api/accounts_mgmt/v1/access_token POST
list-subscriptions /api/accounts_mgmt/v1/subscriptions GET
access-review /api/authorizations/v1/access_review POST
register-new-cluster /api/accounts_mgmt/v1/cluster_registrations POST
register-existing-cluster /api/accounts_mgmt/v1/cluster_registrations POST
create-cluster /api/clusters_mgmt/v1/clusters POST
list-clusters /api/clusters_mgmt/v1/clusters GET
get-current-account /api/accounts_mgmt/v1/current_account GET
quota-cost /api/accounts_mgmt/v1/organizations/{orgId}/quota_cost GET
resource-review /api/authorizations/v1/resource_review POST
cluster-authorizations /api/accounts_mgmt/v1/cluster_authorizations POST
self-terms-review /api/authorizations/v1/self_terms_review POST
certificates /api/accounts_mgmt/v1/certificates POST
create-services /api/service_mgmt/v1/services POST
get-services /api/service_mgmt/v1/services GET
patch-services /api/service_mgmt/v1/services/{srvcId} PATCH
-- -- --

Config file

Global options

  • ocm-token: OCM Authorization token
  • ocm-token-url: Token URL (default "")
  • gateway-url: Gateway url to perform the test against (default "")
  • client:
    • id: OpenID client identifier.
    • secret: OpenID client secret.
  • aws:
    • region: AWS region (default "us-west-1")
    • access-key: AWS access key
    • secret-access-key: AWS access secret
    • account-id: AWS Account ID, is the 12-digit account number
    • account-name: AWS Account Name to be used in the requests
  • output-path: Path to output results.
  • duration: Duration of each individual run in minutes. (default 1)
  • cooldown: Cooldown time between tests in seconds. (default 10 s)
  • rate: Rate of the attack. Format example 5/s. (Available units 'ns', 'us', 'ms', 's', 'm', 'h') (default "1/s")
  • test-id: Unique ID to identify the test run. UUID is recommended (default "dc049b1d-92b4-420c-9eb7-34f30229ef46")
  • ramp-type: Type of ramp to use for all tests. (linear, exponential)
  • ramp-duration: Duration of ramp in minutes, before normal execution. (default 0)
  • start-rate: Starting request per second rate. (E.g.: 5 would be 5 req/s)
  • end-rate: Ending request per second rate. (E.g.: 5 would be 5 req/s)
  • ramp-steps: Number of stepts to get from start rate to end rate. (Minimum 2 steps)
  • tests: List of the tests to run. Empty list means all.
  • elastic:
    • server: Elasticsearch cluster URL
    • user: Elasticsearch User for authentication
    • password: Elasticsearch Password for authentication
    • index: Elasticsearch index to store the documents

Test options

Each test can contain this options:

  • rate: Rate of the attack. Format example 5/s. (Available units 'ns', 'us', 'ms', 's', 'm', 'h') (default "1/s")
  • duration: Override duration for the test. (A positive integer accompanied of a valid unit)

Ramping functionality

Each test can have a specific configuration for ranmping up the rate, inthis case the following options must be provided.

  • duration: in minutes
  • ramp-type: Type of ramp to use for all tests. (linear, exponential)
  • ramp-duration: Duration of ramp in minutes, before normal execution. (default 0)
  • start-rate: Starting request per second rate. (E.g.: 5 would be 5 req/s)
  • end-rate: Ending request per second rate. (E.g.: 5 would be 5 req/s)
  • ramp-steps: Number of stepts to get from start rate to end rate. (Minimum 2 steps)

rate option is not needed for this.

    duration: 30
    ramp-type: exponential
    ramp-duration: 10
    start-rate: 1
    end-rate: 50
    ramp-steps: 6

Obligatory options

  • ocm-token
  • gateway-url


  • output-path: set to ./results
  • duration: set to 1 minute

Minimal yaml config file

token: xxxXXXyyyYYYzzzZZZ

Full yaml config file

See example




vegeta executable is necessary

$ go get -u

python requirements

$ python3 -m venv env
$ . ./env/bin/activate
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt


To generate the report run the following command:

python3 --dir /tests/2021-05-18

The first argument should be the path to the folder where the results folder is located.

Graph a specific file

python3 graph --dir /tests/2021-05-18/results/ --filename access_review.json

This should open the browser with an interactive Graph for access review.

Generate vegeta reports

python3 report --dir /tests/2021-05-18

This will generate all the vegeta report files for each result file

When done deactivate virtual environment

$ deactivate

How to release


  • Add your GitHub token to the env variable GITHUB_TOKEN

  • Make sure you have github-release installed

  • Be sure you are in the latest version of main branch and have bumped the version

  • Now you are ready to run make release this will build the binary and generate the tarfiles that contain all the needed files

Ramping Up Theory

The test will run a number with a running time of / rounded for each step, this can sometimes make the test last more or less than the expected duration, but we want to have a even distribution of times.

As each step finishes it will increase the rate according to a delta that is calculated with the parameters:

For both types of ramps we have common behaviour:

  • First rate: is always start-rate
  • Last rate: is always end-rate
  • Since we cannot use float values for rates, we round all the rates to it's closest integer.

For a linear ramp it will use this formula

delta = ( end-rate - start-rate ) / ( ramp-steps - 1 )

ramp-steps, has always have to be greater than 1

So the new rate will be:

newRate = oldRate + delta

For an exponential distribution

We are using the exponential formula f(t)= x * <coeff> ^ t

the coeff is calculated with this formula

coeff = (end-rate / start-rate) ^ (1 / ramp-steps)

So the new rate will be:

newRate = start-rate * coeff ^ <# of step>

duration vs ramp-duration

The duration is the number of minutes the test is going to run. The ramp-duration is the number of minutes the ramp is going to last.

  • If ramp-duration is not set, the ramp will take the whole duration.
  • If ramp-duration is set, it will run the ramp for that long and then run the remaining of the duration at the end-rate.
    • E.g.: if duration is 30 minutes and ramp-duration is 20 minutes. The test will run a ramp for 20 minutes and keep running at end-rate for the remaining 10 minutes. So it will run end-rate for duration - ramp-duration minutes.
  • If ramp-duration is greater than duration it will just perform a ramp for ramp-duration minutes.

Overrides for the values work the same, localized test values take priority over global values.