This is a NodeRed Plugin to Crestron Prefessor(Use Tcp Socket to commucation)
The Plugin has 3 types,there is
Accept Value is true/false or 0/1
Accept Value is 0-65535
Accept Value is any String(length is depend crestron marco)
install nodejs and npm in your computer
install node-red
sudo npm install -g node-red
install crestron-node
sudo npm install -g node-red-contrib-crestron
run node-red
use crestron-node
config Crestron Professor Server
Fill in the ID and choose the data type,Make sure to match the pins of Crestron's macro file
send the msg to the node
Open Crestron SIMPL Software to edit CresNode
V 1.0.0 First version
V 1.0.1 Fixed no digital output
V 1.0.2 add 10 inputs, "Serial -> String" , Added data type to label name for easy differentiation
V 1.0.3 Change node label, Easy to identify
I created 50 nodes and sent 50 messages to the Crestron host every 1s, which is equivalent to a message of 20ms. After a long test, the information was sent steadily