This repository provides the source codes and documentation for the HyPE model developed by Dhaubanjar et al. (2021, 2023a, 2023b) under the SustainIndus project. The HyPE model performs a spatial analysis to explore hydropower potential at user-defined river segmentation through out the basin to evaluate theoretical, technical, financial and sustainable potential. The theoretical potential module is physically-based with the hydropower potential equation applied to evaluate hydropower energy that can theoretically be generated from water flow between two grid cells. The other potential modules use a cost-minimization framework to find optimal combinations of two run-of-river hydropower plant configurations - River power plant (RP) and Diversion canal plant (DP).
The HyPE model was developed for the upper Indus basin (UIB) based on a global hydropower assessment model by Gernaat et al. (2019). Concepts on HyPE model development and data pre-processing for sustainable potential and regionalization to the Indus context are in Dhaubanjar et al. (2021). Detailed documentation on the cost minimization core for technical and financial potential is best found in Gernaat et al. (2017) and Gernaat (2019). Results of HyPE model run for historical and future hydro-climatology of the UIB are presented in Dhaubanjar et al. (2023a) and Dhaubanjar et al. (2023b) respectively.
The Hydrus folder contains all the model codes. All functions and scripts for data preprocessing are in dataprep folder. Thereafter the theoreticalPot folder has scripts for running the theoretical potential evaluation. Technical, financial and sustainable potential classes are run by main model files inside Hydrus that calls codes inside functions and scripts. This model can be run for single scenario using the RunOneScenario.m script or multiple runs for historical hydrology on HPC using scripts RunMainScenarios.m and RunSAScenarios.m. Hydropower potential assessment under future climate scenarios can be run using RunFutScenarios.m. Finally, postprocess has the scripts for analysis of outputs and creating plots. It also contains scripts for performance evaluation of future hydropower portfolios. Refer to documentation/Code flow for future hydropower potential analysis.docx for code flow used for analysis shows in published papers.
The data folder contains the input data in raw and processed forms.
The documentation folder contains supporting files documenting analysis workflow, model parameters, input data and model setup.
The papers folder contains the published papers supporting this work.
The output folder contains the model outputs as well as processed figures and tables.
The SPHY folder contains the setup for hydrological modeling using the Spatial Processes in Hydrology (SPHY) cryosphere-hydrology model. We use the SPHY model developed for UIB created by Khanal et al. (2021) to simulate runoff for historical and future timeframes. The addons and postprocess folders contain python scripts for pre/post processing steps supporting the hydrological model.
├── Hydrus
│ ├── dataprep
│ │ ├── data_prep_functions
│ │ ├── data_prep_scripts
│ │ └── downscale_Q
│ ├── functions
│ ├── postprocess
│ ├── scripts
│ └── theoreticalPot
├── data
│ ├── ASIA
│ │ └── Basin_UIB
│ ├── UI
│ │ └── data
│ └── data_prep
│ ├── UIB_outputs_LTMavgs_mmday
│ └── UIB_outputs_monTS_mmmonth
├── documentation
├── papers
└── output
└── SPHY
├── Forcing_fut
├── UIB_basic_model
│ ├── addons
│ └── postprocess
├── UIB_outputs_all
└── UIB_outputs_LTMavgs
├── ssp245
├── ssp370
└── ssp585
The HyPE model is based in MATLAB but there are some R and python scripts for data processing and visualization.
Create a copy of the project repository on your computer. If you use git, you can navigate to the location where you want to create your project on your computer. Open terminal or Git Bash from the location and clone this repository using:
git clone
If you do not use git, simply download a zip file for the repository from above:
- Click on the green Code button
- Select "Download ZIP"
- Unzip the files in your computer into the loaction of your choice
After you have the file structure, obtain the input data from: Save the data in the data/ASIA/Basin_UIB folder.
Open MATLAB and navigate to the project repository location. Open the trial example case file RunOneScenario.m
inside the Hydrus folder. Review the code and run it from the main folder where your repository sits.
Different scenario setup was used for the historical and future potential analysis. Under historical hydro-climatology, the HyPE model was run to explore two types of hydropower development policy scenarios. The energy focus scenarios (Large/Medium/Mixed) explored the impact of different scales of hydropower development while the geo-hazard risk representation scenarios (Risk-averse/Cost-based/Multi-hazard) evaluated three ways to represent geo-hazard risk in hydropower development policies. Additionally historical analysis quantified technical, financial and sustainable potential under full and remaining cases.
Direct model outputs can be downloaded from the ICIMOD RDS for historical and future potential datasets. Additionally, visualized potential inventory for the upper Indus compiled along side the HyPE model can be found here.
You can interact with subbasin total results from the HyPE model in the Indus Knowledge Partnership Platform and our storymap.
- The HyPE model development and its application to the upper Indus are documented in three peer-reviewed papers.
- Read our storymap for major highlights of the research.
- A video is available from the presentation of the conceptual model at AGU 2020.
- Check out the project website for SustainIndus.
Below is a summary of all outputs related to this work: Outer pipes Cell padding
Product | DOI | URL |
PhD Thesis titled ‘The future of sustainable hydropower development in the Indus basin’ | 10.33540/2281 | UU Library: []; Interactive book: |
Paper on systematic framework behind HyPE | 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147142 | |
Paper on current hydropower potential assessment in the Indus using HyPE | 10.1016/j.apenergy.2023.12.2372 | |
Paper on future hydropower potential assessment in the Indus using HyPE | 10.3389/frwa.2023.1256249 | |
Storymap Summary for Policymakers | | |
Model Github | 10.5281/zenodo.10204323 | |
Preprocessed input data | 10.5281/zenodo.10234264 | |
Inventory of visualized hydropower potential | 10.26066/rds.1973705 | |
Historical hydropower potential | 10.26066/rds.1973690 | |
Future hydropower potential | 10.26066/rds.1973697 | |
Interactive results portal IKPP | | |
AGU 2020 recorded presentation | |
Please cite the HyPE model as follows: Dhaubanjar, S., Lutz, A. F., Gernaat, D. E. H. J., Nepal, S., Smolenaars, W., Pradhananga, S., Biemans, H., Ludwig, F., Shrestha, A. B., & Immerzeel, W. W. (2021). A systematic framework for the assessment of sustainable hydropower potential in a river basin – The case of the upper Indus. Science of the Total Environment, 786.
This repository was developed for research conducted under the SustainIndus project. The project received funding from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research under WOTRO Joint Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) research program (Grant W 07.30318.002). This work was partially supported by Sustainable Development Investment Portfolio (SDIP), the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Government of Australia, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and by core funds from ICIMOD contributed by the governments of Afghanistan, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Norway, Pakistan, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
Dhaubanjar, S., Lutz, A. F., Smolenaars, W. J., Khanal, S., Jamil, M. K., Biemans, H., Ludwig, F., Shrestha, A. B., & Immerzeel, W. W. (2023). Quantification of run-of-river hydropower potential in the Upper Indus basin under climate change. Frontiers in Water.
Dhaubanjar, S., Lutz, A., Pradhananga, S., Smolenaars, W., Khanal, S., Biemans, H., Shrestha, A. B., & Immerzeel, W. (2023). From theoretical to sustainable potential for run-of-river hydropower development in the upper Indus river basin. Applied Energy.
Khanal, S., Lutz, A. F., Kraaijenbrink, P. D. A., van den Hurk, B., Yao, T., & Immerzeel, W. W. (2021). Variable 21st Century Climate Change Response for Rivers in High Mountain Asia at Seasonal to Decadal Time Scales. Water Resources Research, 57(5), e2020WR029266.
Dhaubanjar, S., Lutz, A. F., Gernaat, D. E. H. J., Nepal, S., Smolenaars, W., Pradhananga, S., Biemans, H., Ludwig, F., Shrestha, A. B., & Immerzeel, W. W. (2021). A systematic framework for the assessment of sustainable hydropower potential in a river basin – The case of the upper Indus. Science of The Total Environment, 786, 147142.
Gernaat DEHJ (2019) The role of renewable energy in long-term energy and climate scenarios
Gernaat DEHJ, Bogaart PW, Vuuren DPV, et al (2017) High-resolution assessment of global technical and economic hydropower potential. Nat Energy 2:821–828.