We built this Comfy Discord Bot Module live on Twitch for Coding Cafe!
ComfyDiscord lets you create a bot for your Discord server SUPER EASILY in just a few lines of code.
Come and hang out with us at the Comfiest Corner on Twitch!
- Install
npm install comfydiscord --save
- Respond to !commands in your Discord
require( "dotenv" ).config();
var ComfyDiscord = require( "comfydiscord" );
ComfyDiscord.onCommand = ( channel, user, command, message, flags ) => {
if( command == "test" ) {
console.log( "!test was typed in chat" );
ComfyDiscord.Init( "MyDiscordBotToken" );
Currently, the flags possible in onCommand()
- bot
You can read chat messages by using the onChat()
ComfyDiscord.onChat = ( channel, user, message, flags, extra ) => {
console.log( channel, user, message );
Sending Chat Messages can be done through ComfyDiscord.Say( channel, message )
- Register a Discord App, Navigate to
in the Settings Menu on the page, and Get a Discord Bot Token - https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/ and Invite the Bot into your server using a link with your Bot's Client ID and permission scope https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=123mybotclientid123&scope=bot&permissions=133262656 - Install
npm install dotenv --save
- Create a file named
that looks like this:
- Initialize with the Token
require( "dotenv" ).config();
var ComfyDiscord = require( "comfydiscord" );
ComfyDiscord.onCommand = ( user, command, message, flags ) => {
if( command == "test" ) {
ComfyDiscord.Say( "general", "replying to !test" );
ComfyDiscord.Init( process.env.DISCORDTOKEN );
- onCommand
( channel, user, command, message, flags, extra )
- Responds to "!" commands
- onChat
( channel, user, message, flags, extra )
- Responds to user chatting
Thank you too all the participants of this project!
Gilokk0, ItsLittany, Instafluff, Instafriend, ChatTranslator, BillNash, MacabreMan, MsSaltyGiggles, That_MS_Gamer, DutchGamer46, sethorizer, TastyZero, jackconceprio, Amarogine, xRolo768, simrose4u, FlavCreations, i_am_from_mars, PhysoTronic, IAmThatOneJason, twallace123, superman1990skid, LilyHazel, Stay_Hydrated_Bot, atel0s, Docpinecone, Copperbeardy, losthewar, wietlol, caLLowCreation, JMSWRNR, BungalowGlow, theArtifacts, SausageCam, crazychick2019, morepizza308, TheHungerService, rockysenpai24, BellaTriXrbsa, where_is_laughingman, LatJorr, seniorkae, ReadyPlayerEmma, smilesandtea, merkurrz, CJnxd, primal_vertex, QuiiZyy, lewdmelon, MalForTheWin, itsboek, twitch_chat_is_stupid, iMrTnT, angel0O, ripSquidd, napkats, boki996, Clarkio, drowmander, JUBAN_3, Kyoslilmonster, ElysiaGriffin, tvgBadger, DareFutari, HonestDanGames, Dragonflytru_1, imJMB, rurutu, kazuhiko0, ichibadass, DurandalCraft, codeheir, shinageeexpress, JesusAcHe