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Content Models

Sam Richard edited this page Aug 6, 2020 · 1 revision

There are three main content models that make up technical articles, case studies, and blog posts. The following describes each content model, including where they live, their optional and required fields, and a description of each field. All fields are required unless otherwise marked as optional. Body copy for content is written in Markdown and not included in a field. Fields are written as YAML Frontmatter at the top of the file.

Technical Articles

Technical articles make up the bulk of the content on the site, living inside the Apps & Games and Build with Linux sections. These articles are meant to be developer-focused and highly technical in nature.

# {string}
title: Title of the article. Article titles shouldn't be included in the body copy

# {string:200ch}
metadesc: Meta description of the article. Max 200 characters.

# {date}
date: Date content was published, in Eleventy date format (

# {date, optional}
updated: Date content was updated, in Eleventy date format (

# {integer, optional}
weight: Weight of the article in listings, with lower numbers being raised higher in listings. Defaults to `0`

# Tools used in the article. Array of objects describing each tool
# {object[], optional}
  # {string}
  - name: Name of the tool
  # {url}
    url: URL to more information on the tool, ideally its landing page
      # {string}
      min: Minimum version of the tool this article has been tested against
      # {string, optional}
      max: Maximum version of the tool this article has been tested against

# Array of taxonomy terms to relate this content to other content
# {string[], optional}
  - Example tag
  - Second example tag

# External resources related to this piece of content, separate from tools
# {object[], optional}
  # {string}
  title: Title of the resource
  # {url}
  url: URL of the resource

Case Studies

Case Studies, in the stories content folder, featuring partners who have optimized their apps for Chrome OS, targeting business and company leadership.

# {string}
title: Title of the article. Article titles shouldn't be included in the body copy

# {string:200ch}
metadesc: Meta description of the article. Max 200 characters.

# {date}
date: Date content was published, in Eleventy date format (

# {date, optional}
updated: Date content was updated, in Eleventy date format (

# Information about the app that's featured
# {object}
  # {string}
  name: Name of the app
  # {url}
  logo: Absolute path (from served site root or approved external URL) to image of the logo
  # {string}
  company: Company that publishes the app

# Hero image for case study; shows up at the top of the page
# {object, optional}
  # {url}
  image: Absolute path (from served site root or approved external URL) to a product image of the app
  # {string}
  alt: Text describing the above image
  # {top|center|bottom, optional}
  position: How to place the image in its container, either `top`, `center`, or `bottom`. Defaults to `center`

# Extra content for featuring a case study on landing pages
# If set to `true`, will automatically pull the described corresponding fallback content 
# {boolean|object, optional}
  # {string, optional}
  eyebrow: Eyebrow to describe featured content. Defaults to `microcopy.featured.eyebrow`
  # {string, optional}
  title: Title to display in featured area. Defaults to case study `title`
  # {string:200ch, optional}
  desc: Description of the case study. Defaults to case study `metadesc`
  # {string:20ch, optional}
  cta: Link text to guide visitors to content. Defaults to `microcopy.more`
  # Array of objects describing what images should be displayed. Defaults to case study `hero`
  # {object[]:2, optional}
    # {url}
    - image: Absolute path (from served site root or approved external URL) to a product image of the app.
    # {string}
      alt: Text describing the image

# Tools used in the article. Array of objects describing each tool
# {object[], optional}
  # {string}
  - name: Name of the tool
  # {url}
    url: URL to more information on the tool, ideally its landing page
      # {string}
      min: Minimum version of the tool this article has been tested against
      # {string, optional}
      max: Maximum version of the tool this article has been tested against

# Array of taxonomy terms to relate this content to other content
# {string[], optional}
  - Example tag
  - Second example tag

Blog Post

Blog Posts, in the posts content folder, highlighting ChromeOS news and feature updates, targeting developers as well as business leadership.

# {string}
title: Title of the article. Article titles shouldn't be included in the body copy

# {string:200ch}
metadesc: Meta description of the article. Max 200 characters.

# {date}
date: Date content was published, in Eleventy date format (

# {date, optional}
updated: Date content was updated, in Eleventy date format (

# Author(s) of the post, drawn from global author data
# {string[]}
  - author # Author key from global author data

# Hero image for case study; shows up at the top of the page
# {object, optional}
  # {url}
  image: Absolute path (from served site root or approved external URL) to a representative image.
  # {string}
  alt: Text describing the above image
  # {top|center|bottom, optional}
  position: How to place the image in its container, either `top`, `center`, or `bottom`. Defaults to `center`

# Extra content for featuring a case study on landing pages
# If set to `true`, will automatically pull the described corresponding fallback content 
# {boolean|object, optional}
  # {string, optional}
  eyebrow: Eyebrow to describe featured content. Defaults to `microcopy.featured.eyebrow`
  # {string, optional}
  title: Title to display in featured area. Defaults to case study `title`
  # {string:200ch, optional}
  desc: Description of the blog post. Defaults to case study `metadesc`
  # {string:20ch, optional}
  cta: Link text to guide visitors to content. Defaults to `microcopy.more`
  # Array of objects describing what images should be displayed. Defaults to case study `hero`
  # {object[]:2, optional}
    # {url}
    - image: Absolute path (from served site root or approved external URL) to a representative image.
    # {string}
      alt: Text describing the image

# Tools used in the article. Array of objects describing each tool
# {object[], optional}
  # {string}
  - name: Name of the tool
  # {url}
    url: URL to more information on the tool, ideally its landing page
      # {string}
      min: Minimum version of the tool this article has been tested against
      # {string, optional}
      max: Maximum version of the tool this article has been tested against

# Array of taxonomy terms to relate this content to other content
# {string[], optional}
  - Example tag
  - Second example tag
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