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Cleanup TSG analysis notebooks
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chrisyeh96 committed Mar 28, 2024
1 parent 2458f96 commit c445510
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Showing 4 changed files with 563 additions and 594 deletions.
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@@ -1,13 +1,28 @@
"""Helper functions used by notebooks/analysis*.ipynb files."""
from __future__ import annotations

from import Sequence
from typing import Any

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from utils import savefig

V_MIN, V_MAX = (11.4**2, 12.6**2) # +/-5%, units kV^2

V_MIN, V_MAX = 11.4, 12.6 # 12 ± 5%, units kV
V_MIN2, V_MAX2 = V_MIN**2, V_MAX**2 # units kV^2

# Match Fig8 in Qu and Li (2020)
# - they count the substation as bus 1
# - we count the substation as bus 0
BUSES = (8, 18, 21, 30, 39, 45, 54) # 0 = substation

TIME_TICKS = ( 0, 2400, 4800, 7200, 9600, 12000, 14400)
TIME_LABELS = ('0h', '4h', '8h', '12h', '16h', '20h', '24h')

Y_MIN, Y_MAX = 11.2, 12.8 # good for plotting V_MIN to V_MAX
YTICKS = (11.4, 11.7, 12, 12.3, 12.6)

def calculate_violations(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -35,29 +50,29 @@ def calculate_violations(
- 'max viol': among all bus-timestep violations, the maximum absolute magnitude
of the violation
key: tuple (info_provided, seed), where seed may be None when info_provided == 'known'
pkl: saved results read from pickle
ax: optional axes to plot a histogram of violations
num_mistakes: total number of mistakes
avg_viol: averge violation magnitude
max_viol: maximum violation magnitude
- key: tuple (info_provided, seed), where seed may be None when info_provided == 'known'
- pkl: saved results read from pickle
- ax: optional axes to plot a histogram of violations
- num_mistakes: total number of mistakes
- avg_viol: averge violation magnitude
- max_viol: maximum violation magnitude
vs = pkl['vs']
assert vs.shape == (T, n)

violates_max = (vs > V_MAX + 0.05) # shape [T, n]
violates_min = (vs < V_MIN - 0.05) # shape [T, n]
violates_max = (vs > V_MAX2 + 0.05) # shape [T, n]
violates_min = (vs < V_MIN2 - 0.05) # shape [T, n]
is_mistake = (violates_max.any(axis=1) | violates_min.any(axis=1)) # shape [T]

num_mistakes = is_mistake.sum()
num_bus_step_violations = violates_max.sum() + violates_min.sum()

all_violations = np.concatenate([
vs[violates_max] - V_MAX,
V_MIN - vs[violates_min]
vs[violates_max] - V_MAX2,
V_MIN2 - vs[violates_min]

if len(all_violations) == 0:
Expand All @@ -79,3 +94,187 @@ def calculate_violations(
f'max viol: {max_viol:.3g}')

return num_mistakes, avg_viol, max_viol

def plot_voltages(
vpars: np.ndarray, buses: Sequence[int] = BUSES,
ylim: tuple[float, float] | None = (Y_MIN, Y_MAX),
yticks: tuple[float, ...] | None = YTICKS,
plots_dir: str = '', filename: str = '', legend_filename: str = ''
) -> None:
"""Plots voltage curves for selected buses.
- vpars: shape [T, n], squared voltage magnitdues (units kV^2)
- buses: which buses to plot, 0 = substation
- ylim: (ymin, ymax), set to None to use matplotlib defaults
- yticks: sequence of tick locations, set to None to use matplotlib defaults
- plots_dir: where to save plots
- filename: filename (without extension) for saving plot
- legend_filename: filename (without extension) for saving legend plot
T = vpars.shape[0]
ts = range(T)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 3), dpi=100, tight_layout=True)
for i in np.array(buses) - 1:
ax.plot(ts, np.sqrt(vpars[:, i]), label=f'{i+1}')

ax.axhline(V_MIN, ls='--', color='black')
ax.axhline(V_MAX, ls='--', color='black')
ax.set(ylabel='Voltage (kV)')
if ylim is not None:
if yticks is not None:
ax.set(xlabel='time $t$', xlim=(-50, T),
xticks=TIME_TICKS, xticklabels=TIME_LABELS)

if filename != '':
assert plots_dir != ''
savefig(fig, plots_dir, filename=f'{filename}.pdf')
savefig(fig, plots_dir, filename=f'{filename}.png')
savefig(fig, plots_dir, filename=f'{filename}.svg')

if legend_filename != '':
assert plots_dir != ''
leg = ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), title='bus')
bbox = leg.get_window_extent().transformed(fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted())
savefig(fig, plots_dir, filename=f'{legend_filename}.pdf', bbox_inches=bbox)
savefig(fig, plots_dir, filename=f'{legend_filename}.png', bbox_inches=bbox)
savefig(fig, plots_dir, filename=f'{legend_filename}.svg', bbox_inches=bbox)

def plot_error_and_etahat(
pkls_dict: dict[str, dict[str, Any]], plots_dir: str, filename: str,
legend_loc: str | None, etamax: float | None = None
) -> None:
"""Plots model error on left axis, etahat on right axis.
- pkls_dict: name (str) => results dict loaded from pickle (dict[str, Any])
- plots_dir: where to save plots
- filename: filename (without extension) for saving plot
- legend_loc: one of [None, 'top', 'separate']
- etamax: optional upper limit for etahat axis
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 3), dpi=100, tight_layout=True)
axr = ax.twinx()

for name, pkl in pkls_dict.items():
dists = pkl['dists']
T = pkl['vs'].shape[0]
ax.step(list(dists['t']) + [T], list(dists['X_true']) + [dists['X_true'][-1]],
where='post', label=name)
ax.scatter(0, dists['X_true'][0])
if 'η' in dists:
axr.step([0] + list(dists['t']) + [T],
[0] + list(dists['η']) + [dists['η'][-1]], ':',
axr.plot([0, T], [8.65, 8.65], ':')

ax.set_ylabel(r'$||\hat{X}_t - X^\star||_\bigtriangleup$')
ax.set(xticks=TIME_TICKS, xticklabels=TIME_LABELS)
ax.set(xlabel='time $t$', xlim=(-50, T))

if etamax is not None:
axr.set_ylim(-0.4, etamax)

if legend_loc == 'top':
ax.legend(ncols=2, bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1), loc='lower left')

savefig(fig, plots_dir, filename=f'{filename}.pdf')
savefig(fig, plots_dir, filename=f'{filename}.png')
savefig(fig, plots_dir, filename=f'{filename}.svg')

if legend_loc == 'separate':
leg = ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
bbox = leg.get_tightbbox().transformed(fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted())
savefig(fig, plots_dir, f'{filename}_legend.pdf', bbox_inches=bbox)
savefig(fig, plots_dir, f'{filename}_legend.png', bbox_inches=bbox)
savefig(fig, plots_dir, f'{filename}_legend.svg', bbox_inches=bbox)

def plot_fill(
ax: plt.Axes, values: np.ndarray, color: int, label: str, alpha: bool = False
) -> None:
- ax: axes
- values: shape [num_runs, T]
- color: int, index into tab20 colors
0 = blue, 2 = orange, 4 = green, 7 = purple
- label: line label
- alpha: whether to use translucent shading
num_runs, T = values.shape
ts = range(T)
dark =[color]
light =[color + 1]

if num_runs == 1:
ax.plot(ts, values[0], color=dark, lw=0.5, label=label)
mean = values.mean(axis=0)
std = values.std(axis=0)
ax.plot(ts, mean, color=dark, lw=0.5, label=label)
if alpha:
ax.fill_between(ts, mean-std, mean+std, color=light, alpha=0.5)
ax.fill_between(ts, mean-std, mean+std, color=light)

def plot_bus(
pkls_by_label: dict[str, Sequence[dict[str, Any]]], bus: int, plots_dir: str = '',
legend: bool = False, filename_base: str = ''
) -> None:
- pkls_by_label: label (str) -> list of results dicts
- bus: int, where bus 0 = substation
- plots_dir: where to save plots
- legend: whether to include legend
- filename_base: base filename for plots
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 3), tight_layout=True)
for c, (label, pkls) in enumerate(pkls_by_label.items()):
# num_runs = len(pkls)
vs = np.stack([
np.sqrt(data['vs'][:, bus - 1])
for data in pkls
], axis=0)
# vs = np.zeros([num_runs, T])
# for i, data in enumerate(pkls):
# vs[i] = np.sqrt(data['vs'][:, bus - 1])
plot_fill(ax, vs, color=c*2, label=label, alpha=True)

T = vs.shape[1]

ax.axhline(11.4, ls='--', color='black')
ax.axhline(12.6, ls='--', color='black')
ax.set(ylabel='Voltage (kV)', ylim=(Y_MIN, Y_MAX), yticks=YTICKS)
ax.set(xlabel='time $t$', xlim=(-50, T),
xticks=TIME_TICKS, xticklabels=TIME_LABELS)

if filename_base != '':
assert plots_dir != ''

savefig(fig, plots_dir, filename=f'{filename_base}_bus{bus}.pdf')
savefig(fig, plots_dir, filename=f'{filename_base}_bus{bus}.png')
savefig(fig, plots_dir, filename=f'{filename_base}_bus{bus}.svg')

if legend:
leg = ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
bbox = leg.get_tightbbox().transformed(fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted())
savefig(fig, plots_dir, f'{filename_base}_legend.pdf', bbox_inches=bbox)
savefig(fig, plots_dir, f'{filename_base}_legend.png', bbox_inches=bbox)
savefig(fig, plots_dir, f'{filename_base}_legend.svg', bbox_inches=bbox)

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