- Clone the repo
- Open eclipse
- Go to File > Import
- In the import window, go to General > Existing Projects into Workspace and click Next
- In "Select root directory", select the directory where you cloned battlecode
- Click Finish
- Select the "battlecode2015" project in the Project Explorer and click "Debug"
- If it asks you to choose a class with a main method, you want the battlecode client
Note: If you are unable to find the Main - battlecode.client then you need to update the buildpath. To do this:
- Right click on Project
- Select "Build Path"
- Select "Configure Build Path"
- Select "Libraries Tab"
- For each of the 4 .jar files (client, server, player and jogl.all)
- Select the jar
- Click "Edit"
- Navigate to the jar ({LocalRepoPath}/libs)
- Select the Jar and click "Open"
- Click OK
- Attmept steps 7 & 8 from the first portion of this readme
Details for mechanics can be found at: https://github.com/battlecode/battlecode-server/blob/2015-1.0.3/specs.md