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Python scripts

These are python scripts I have created, modified or used. Some scripts are for fun, while others have valuable use in production.

There's now 248 python files in this repo.

Script DocString
python/misc/ Parenthesis Checker.
python/misc/ Password generator.
python/misc/ Return the Objects Keys and Values.
python/misc/ Is the Dictionary Empty.
python/misc/ Convert Kilometers to Miles.
python/misc/ Today Birthday.
python/misc/ Determine if the sum of three integers is equal to the given value.
python/misc/ Valid Zip Code.
python/misc/ Repeating Letters N Times.
python/misc/ Array of Word Lengths.
python/misc/ Get the Sum of All List Elements.
python/misc/ Count Letters in a Word Search.
python/misc/ Finding middle element in a linked list.
python/misc/ Stock buy and sell.
python/misc/ Character to ASCII.
python/misc/ Collatz Conjecture.
python/misc/ Rotate a Linked List.
python/misc/ Happy Numbers.
python/misc/ Merge Sort Example.
python/misc/ Next Element - Next Element in Arithmetic Sequence.
python/misc/ K’th Smallest/Largest Element in Unsorted Array.
python/misc/ Kadane's Algorithm
python/misc/ Name Greeting!
python/misc/ Split usernames.
python/misc/ Consecutive Numbers.
python/misc/ Convert to Decimal Notation.
python/misc/ Find the element that appears once in sorted array.
python/misc/ Swap case.
python/misc/ Last Digit Ultimate.
python/misc/ Difference of Max and Min Numbers in List.
python/misc/ Power Ranger.
python/misc/ Compare Days - Find the number of days between two dates.
python/misc/ Chocolate Distribution Problem.
python/misc/ International Greetings.
python/misc/ Find the Smallest Number in a List.
python/misc/ Return the Remainder from Two Numbers.
python/misc/ Intersecting Intervals.
python/misc/ Free Coffee Cups.
python/misc/ Double Letters.
python/misc/ Check String for Spaces.
python/misc/ To the Power of.
python/misc/ Progress.
python/misc/ Seconds in Hours.
python/misc/ Replace Letters With Position In Alphabet.
python/misc/ Profitable Gamble.
python/misc/ Less Than 100.
python/misc/ Reverse Array In Groups.
python/misc/ Check If Lines Are Parallel.
python/misc/ Modifying the Last Character.
python/misc/ Area of a Triangle.
python/misc/ Football Points.
python/misc/ Minutes to Seconds.
python/misc/ Advice Slip - Random.
python/misc/ Is the string empty.
python/misc/ Return the Index of All Capital Letters.
python/misc/ Initialize.
python/misc/ Binary to ASCII Conversion.
python/misc/ Slice of Pie.
python/misc/ Concatenate Variable Number of Input Lists.
python/misc/ ASCII Charts (Part 1: Progress Bar).
python/misc/ Doctors Clinic.
python/misc/ Unique Character Mapping
python/misc/ Return First and Last Parameter.
python/misc/ Determine Leap Year.
python/misc/ Subarray with given sum.
python/misc/ How much is True.
python/misc/ Pandigital Numbers.
python/misc/ Phone Number Formatting.
python/misc/ Return the Remainder from Two Numbers.
python/misc/ Sort a String by its Last Character.
python/misc/ Number Symmetrical.
python/misc/ Count the Arguments.
python/misc/ Divides Evenly.
python/misc/ Drinks Allowed.
python/misc/ Find the Perimeter of a Rectangle.
python/misc/ Missing Third Angle.
python/misc/ Area of triangle - Heron's Formula.
python/misc/ Minimum Difference Pair.
python/misc/ Find the Odd Integer.
python/misc/ Anagram.
python/misc/ No docstring provided.
python/misc/ Multiple of 100.
python/misc/ Symmetric Difference.
python/misc/ Retrieve the Subreddit.
python/misc/ Are the Numbers Equal? - warmup.
python/misc/ Additive Inverse.
python/misc/ Is the Number Even or Odd.
python/misc/ Permutations of a given string.
python/misc/ Maskify the String.
python/misc/ Volume of a Pizza.
python/misc/ Equilibrium point
python/misc/ Missing number in array
python/misc/ You are to read each part of the date into its own integer type variable.
python/misc/ Find the Largest Number in a List.
python/misc/ Create random usernames.
python/misc/ Fewest bills and coins.
python/misc/ Find duplicate in array.
python/misc/ Maximum of all subarrays of size k.
python/misc/ Return a String as an Integer.
python/misc/ Minimum Platforms.
python/misc/ The Karaca's Encryption Algorithm.
python/misc/ Multiply by Length.
python/misc/ String to Integer and Vice Versa.
python/misc/ Sort String.
python/misc/ Poker Full House.
python/misc/ Sort Numbers in Descending Order.
python/misc/ Maximum Difference.
python/misc/ Smooth Sentences.
python/misc/ Format Number with Comma(s) Separating Thousands.
python/misc/ Positive Count / Negative Sum.
python/misc/ Max Of Three.
python/misc/ Hours and Minutes to Seconds.
python/misc/ Convert file names.
python/misc/ The Museum of Incredibly Dull Things.
python/misc/ Return the First Element in a List.
python/misc/ Two Distinct Elements.
python/misc/ Compound Interest.
python/misc/ Evaluate an Equation.
python/misc/ Equality of 3 Values.
python/misc/ Partially Hidden String.
python/misc/ Remove Every Vowel from a String.
python/misc/ Stuttering Function.
python/misc/ Numbers in Strings.
python/misc/ Odd Up, Even Down - N Times.
python/misc/ Blackjack.
python/misc/ Convert Age to Days.
python/misc/ Making a Box.
python/misc/ An Introduction to the Map-Reduce Pattern
python/misc/ Current Military Time.
python/misc/ Grocery Store Prices.
python/misc/ Split Item Codes.
python/misc/ Solving Exponential Equations With Logarithms.
python/misc/ Hashes and Pluses.
python/misc/ Find the oldest. Who's The Oldest?
python/misc/ Hacker Speak - H4ck3r Sp34k.
python/misc/ Stack the Boxes.
python/misc/ Is the number Prime.
python/misc/ Days in a Month.
python/misc/ Russian roulette.
python/misc/ Check if an Integer is Divisible By Five.
python/misc/ Compare Strings by Count of Characters.
python/misc/ Sort an array of 0s, 1s and 2s
python/misc/ Return the Next Number from the Integer Passed.
python/misc/ Number to month.
python/misc/ Concatenate Variable Number of Input Lists.
python/misc/ The Farm Problem.
python/misc/ Basic Statistics: Mode.
python/misc/ Largest Number formed from an Array.
python/misc/ Calculate the Profit.
python/misc/ Print the first repeated character in a string.
python/misc/ Apocalyptic Numbers.
python/misc/ The Three Programmers Problem.
python/misc/ Complete the Word.
python/misc/ Number of Ways to Decode an encoded string.
python/misc/ Fiscal Year.
python/misc/ First Before Second Letter.
python/misc/ Find the Minimum, Maximum, Length and Average Values.
python/misc/ Seven Boom!
python/misc/ Reverse words in a given string.
python/misc/ Sum of the Odd Numbers.
python/misc/ Less than or equal to zero.
python/misc/ Add x Characters to the Start and End of a String.
python/misc/ Linked Lists - Add Two Integers.
python/misc/ Zig Zag.
python/misc/ String Flips.
python/misc/ Example find sum from a collection.
python/misc/ Concatenating Two Integer Lists.
python/misc/ Vowel and Consonants Replacer.
python/misc/ Using the "and" Operator.
python/misc/ Convert Number to String of Dashes.
python/misc/ Combinations.
python/misc/ Find the Odd Integer.
python/misc/ Accumulating Product.
python/misc/ Does the Dictionary Contain a Given Key.
python/misc/ Maximum Edge of a Triangle.
python/misc/ Match the Last Item.
python/misc/ Baseball stat formulas.
python/misc/ Pythagorean Triplet.
python/misc/ Concatenate First and Last Name into One String.
python/misc/ Hello name.
python/misc/ Switcharoo.
python/misc/ Trapping Rain Water.
python/misc/ Change Every Letter to the Next Letter.
python/misc/ Single Letter Swaps.
python/misc/ Pentagonal Number
python/misc/ Check if a List Contains a Given Number.
python/misc/ Day of the week.
python/misc/ Maximum sum increasing subsequence.
python/misc/ Leaders in an array.
python/misc/ Convert to Hex.
python/misc/ Set columns and rows as zeros.
python/misc/ Frames per second.
python/misc/ Words With Duplicate Letters.
python/misc/ Remove Duplicates.
python/misc/ Majority Vote.
python/misc/ Intersection Point of Two Linked Lists.
python/misc/ Remove Duplicates from a List.
python/misc/ Isogram.
python/misc/ Capitalization Families.
python/misc/ ATM PIN Code Validation.
python/misc/ Python Random Number Generation Exercises.
python/misc/ Sandwich Fillings
python/projecteuler/src/ Largest Product in a series.
python/projecteuler/src/ 10001th prime.
python/projecteuler/src/ Number letter counts.
python/projecteuler/src/ No docstring provided.
python/projecteuler/src/ Largest prime factor.
python/projecteuler/src/ Maximum path sum I
python/projecteuler/src/ Multiples of 3 and 5.
python/projecteuler/src/ Largest Palindrom Product.
python/projecteuler/src/ Large Sum
python/projecteuler/src/ Special Pythagorean triplet
python/projecteuler/src/ Summation of primes.
python/projecteuler/src/ Largest product in a grid
python/projecteuler/src/ Sum square difference.
python/projecteuler/src/ Even Fibonacci Numbers.
python/projecteuler/src/ Longest Collatz sequence.
python/projecteuler/src/ Lattice paths.
python/projecteuler/src/ 2520 is the smallest number that can be divided by
python/projecteuler/src/ Power digit sum
python/projecteuler/src/ Highly divisible triangular number.
python/common/ Common functions needed for warmups.
python/common/ No docstring provided.
python/codingbat/ Generate the file a repo.
python/codingbat/src/ Make abba.
python/codingbat/src/ Array 1 2 3.
python/codingbat/src/ Missing Character.
python/codingbat/src/ Array Count 9.
python/codingbat/src/ String Splosion.
python/codingbat/src/ Front Back.
python/codingbat/src/ String bits.
python/codingbat/src/ Makes 10.
python/codingbat/src/ sum_double
python/codingbat/src/ Array Front 9
python/codingbat/src/ Not String.
python/codingbat/src/ No docstring provided.
python/codingbat/src/ String times.
python/codingbat/src/ Positive Negative.
python/codingbat/src/ Given a string, we'll say that the front is the
python/codingbat/src/ Parrot trouble.
python/codingbat/src/ monkey_trouble
python/codingbat/src/ Front Times.
python/codingbat/src/ Near Hundred.
python/codingbat/src/ sleep_in
python/codingbat/src/ Hello Name.
python/codingbat/src/ Last Two.
python/codingbat/src/ String Match.
python/codingbat/src/ Difference 21.


Collection of coding exercises.







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