full SwiftUI
Draws a Bubble Chart from data circles in differenz sizes and colors adjacent to each other
BubbleChart(data: $data, spacing: 0, startAngle: 180, clockwise: true)
- data: the chart data array, has to conform to [DataItem]
- spacing: Spacing between the circles
- startAngle: angle in degrees 0..360° where the surrounding circles start (0° = horizontal to the right)
- clockwise: true or false, direction in which other circles are added
Font modifiers change the titles on the bubbles
the data array has this form:
// graph data
@State private var data: [DataItem] = [
DataItem(title: "chrome", size: 180, color: .green),
DataItem(title: "firefox", size: 60, color: .red),
DataItem(title: "safari", size: 90, color: .blue),
DataItem(title: "edge", size: 30, color: .orange),
DataItem(title: "ie", size: 50, color: .yellow),
DataItem(title: "chrome", size: 120, color: .green),
DataItem(title: "firefox", size: 60, color: .red),
DataItem(title: "safari", size: 90, color: .blue),
DataItem(title: "edge", size: 30, color: .orange),
DataItem(title: "opera", size: 25, color: .mint)