- Download package-tao from github
- Switch to develop branch
- Retrieve all extensions and dependencies using composer
- Create a zip package
- Generate dependency report with other software metrics using PHP_Depend
- Look for several potential problems within the source PHP Mess Detector
- Find duplicate code using PHPCPD
- Measuring the size and analyzing the structure of the project using PHPLOC
- Tokenises PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards using PHP_CodeSniffer. Ruleset considered are defined in conf/phpcs.xml
- Install the platform with all extensions
- Run Unit test according to test configration stored in conf/phpunit_mysql.xml
- Generate code coverage report
- Create your jenkins project
- Create the file build.properties
release.version=nightly release.source.name=TAO_${release.version}_build db.driver= db.host= db.name= db.pass= db.user= module.mode= module.name= module.namespace= module.url= user.login= user.pass=
- Git clone this repository
[email protected]:oat-sa/package-build.git
- Setup phing tasks
- Setup PMD analisys
- Setup phploc report
A - Lines of code Lines of Code build/logs/phploc.csv B - Structures Count build/logs/phploc.csv C - Testing Count build/logs/phploc.csv D - Types of Classes Count build/logs/phploc.csv E - Types of Methods Count build/logs/phploc.csv F - Types of Constants Count build/logs/phploc.csv
- Setup PHPCS report
- Setup PHPCPD reports
- Setup Code Coverage
- Deploy zip file on taotesting.com