A simple build-backend for Python.
The package implements the build backend interface, defined in https://peps.python.org/pep-0517, and https://peps.python.org/pep-0660.
It is very similar to flit and hatch, but it has one key additional feature I required: pre-write hooks. This is bit similar to hatch's build hook, but offers a lot more freedom to modify the packaged files.
Simply add the following to your pyproject.toml
requires = ["simple-build"]
build-backend = "simple_build.backend"
The module will be found by the project name (normalising -
to _
and supports packages in the common src
folder layout, or at the root of the package.
name = "my-project"
The following fields can be set as dynamic values:
dynamic = ["version", "description", "authors"]
The values are then read from the root file of the package (__init__.py
or the single module file):
"""My project description."""
__version__ = "0.1.0"
__author__ = "John Doe"
__email__ = "[email protected]"
By default the packaging will respect the .gitignore
file, and exclude all files listed in it.
You can also configure this in the pyproject.toml
use_git = true
include = ["my_file.txt", ...]
exclude = ["my_file.txt", ...]
In your pyproject.toml
you can define a list of hooks that can modify the files before they are written to the sdist or wheel:
pre_write_hooks = ["my_hook.py"]
A hook file should contain a function with the following signature:
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Literal
from simple_build.analyse import PackageAnalysis
def pre_write_hook(
type: Literal["sdist", "wheel"], src: Path, module: str | None, analysis: PackageAnalysis
) -> None:
"""A pre-write hook, to modify files before writing them to the sdist or wheel.
:param path: The path to the temporary folder containing the files that will be written to the sdist/wheel.
This can be modified in place, including deleting files and adding new ones.
:param module: The name of the module.
:param package: The package analysis.