This project implements an end to end ocr solution built on top of recent deep learning based text detection (CTPN) and recognizition (CRNN) methods. The solution is readily deployable via Flask REST APIs.
This is a research project at this moment, and the code here is NOT ready for production usage. But we will get it there though (hopefully soon) ...
The model parameters are tuned on full document image, as images under data
The documents are scanned images with ppi of at least 300, and with horizontal text blocks (no lines with tilts).
Performance on short snippet may be degraded, because parameters are not tuned on them.
Text detection performs reasonably well on full document, either text
or table, given we have not done any domain adaption yet. See samples under data
Text recognition performs well on correctly detected and un-corrupted text block. CER is under 5% evaluated on limited text documents.
Much improvement can be done on accuracy:
- train detection model on domains of interest;
- train recognition model on domains of interest;
- add domain specific language models at decoder;
- but before all above we need some benchmark datasets and data generation tools;
Right now the service is not super fast - it takes 20-60 seconds to process a full document depending on how dense are the texts. Very limited speed up (1.5x) is observed when using the Titan Xp GPU, due to many ops do not have gpu implementations right now.
Most time is spent on the CTC decoder (implemented only on cpu) of the recognizer, which is by nature a sequential process. Text blocks are recognized one by one in a linear manner.
There are probably another 10x speed-up to bring processing time per page to a couple of seconds, with the following improvements:
- rewrite the text connector and recognition decoder in c++;
- use multi-threading for text block recognition (better done in c++ too);
- replace the detection backbone network with a shallower one (right now vgg16);
- rewrite the recognition decoder using greedy/approximate method (remove ctc);
- upgrade to a better GPU;
- model compression and quantization (probably to int8?);
The system requires the following,
python >= 3.6
tensorflow >= 1.12 < 2.0
More requirement see requirements.txt
We provide our service via REST APIs. Service can be requested through http POST
Service request (on gbox1):
curl -F image=@'data/text_small.jpg' http://localhost:5000/ocr
[{"bbox": {"x0": 16, "y0": 75, "x1": 1200, "y1": 75, "x2": 1200, "y2": 106, "x3": 16, "y3": 106},
"text": "保证,并出具包含审计意见的审计报告。含理保证是高水平的保证,但并不能保证按照审",
"id": "c99355fa-df22-49b4-b3d9-92acc593ec94"},
{"bbox": {"x0": 16, "y0": 230, "x1": 336, "y1": 230, "x2": 336, "y2": 260, "x3": 16, "y3": 260},
"text": "通常认为错报是重大的。", "id": "d12a0633-4416-4eb6-a347-797eae20e7ff"},
{"bbox": {"x0": 16, "y0": 125, "x1": 1200, "y1": 125, "x2": 1200, "y2": 160, "x3": 16, "y3": 160},
"text": "计准则执行的审计在某一重大错报存在时总能发现。错报可能由于舞弊或错误导致,如果",
"id": "6b219b90-c39e-453e-8595-498788c8af10"},
{"bbox": {"x0": 16, "y0": 178, "x1": 1200, "y1": 178, "x2": 1200, "y2": 212, "x3": 16, "y3": 212},
"text": "合理预期错报单独或汇总起来可能影响财务报表使用者依据财务报表作出的经济决策,则",
"id": "a842391c-5390-4332-ae54-5e666b64fe03"},
{"bbox": {"x0": 64, "y0": 23, "x1": 1200, "y1": 23, "x2": 1200, "y2": 57, "x3": 64, "y3": 57},
"text": "我们的目标是对财务报表整体是否不存在由于舞弊或错误导致的重大错报获取合理",
"id": "51392031-1bf8-4024-b2a1-09633d9e2a81"}],
"resized_im": "/tmp/bf558511-0826-4300-a8bc-44cb7b57e564.jpg"}
gives the location of the resized image on the host machine, for debugging purpose.
For more examples, please refer to scripts under tests
In case you would like to deploy your own service, please do the following,
cd ocrservice
./ start
you can config your deployment there.
We will release pretrained model zoos for different types of doucment and languages soon ...