- ed9ea59 Release: v0.1.1-beta
- a6c46d6 chore(test): standup feature/integration testing
- bad5419 chore: Add README
- 4914a2e chore: Init
- e13b7c2 chore: Task List
- d7d8d30 chore: Task list
- dda2a55 chore: Update Tasks
- 2d1f3a1 chore: go get
- 0e55a79 chore: upgrade
- 0e7d055 feat(help): Rearrange Reorder
- 93d21c8 feat(release): goreleaser
- d54134d feat: Add Filters
- cdc2d97 feat: Add HashCond and GroupKey
- 6a88798 feat: Add Index Cond
- a7ca651 feat: Add Index Name
- 754025a feat: Add Style
- e685ae5 feat: Add indentation on/off
- 266a8ba feat: Add level to each node
- efaaaf0 feat: Add partial mode to node name
- 20673e8 feat: Add planned/actual rows
- a4d77c9 feat: Add status line
- 2ca5ae1 feat: Allow cli or file database configuration
- 323a666 feat: Cycle through explain displays
- 091146a feat: Cycle through stat displays
- e55c94c feat: Detail view
- 9c1e8c4 feat: Display Buffers
- 2015dc6 feat: Display Costs
- e94e4f4 feat: Display Loop counts
- 9952240 feat: Display PG settings
- a1954af feat: Display Parallelism
- 9035de4 feat: Display SQL attached to pgex file
- 8644b21 feat: Display Times
- 7078c76 feat: Display error within tui
- 98f8b73 feat: Display json source
- b5a6c18 feat: Display temp blocks
- dc7aef9 feat: DisplayRows default
- a332589 feat: Edit settings for next exec
- 2205431 feat: Explain then Analyze
- 8293ccf feat: Improve null state view
- c672d73 feat: Include settings in pgex file
- 7de1d22 feat: Join View
- 47669d6 feat: Keymap and Help
- dc56490 feat: Load last pgex file if no opt provided
- 8d3151e feat: Loading Spinner on boot
- 0ff0fd4 feat: Loading Spinner while seq exec
- b44c598 feat: Navigate stored query runs
- f1b0e3a feat: Re-arrange header elements
- e93cb02 feat: Re-read file on reExecute
- 977b854 feat: ReExecute Query
- a4bd4c0 feat: Read and display sql from file
- 970f294 feat: Read in explain without analyze
- 1586cab feat: Refactor for idiomatic btea cmd
- af3f917 feat: Refine settings view
- fe450bb feat: Refine status line
- 640dbb6 feat: Source Type PGEX
- 9843ba6 feat: Split settings into two
- 7ade00f feat: Stopwatch while query is running
- 409f243 feat: Store SQL and json together
- fe4fd30 feat: Surface Plan Width
- 3c5d149 feat: Table view for stats
- a04659b feat: Toggle Parallelism
- 539d604 feat: Toggle Rows
- 05cc6c8 feat: Toggle display settings
- 1453806 feat: Toggle line numbers
- 08a538c feat: Toggle settings type
- 5c9ce3c feat: Whole line highlight
- 4f36712 feat: better err handling for json
- 5adebef feat: highlight children
- 5094c56 feat: key q for quit
- 939d9cd feat: line cursor
- 46da61c feat: number separator
- e1b05ab feat: parse Relation Name
- f139bbe feat: pass in database at cli
- a74d11a feat: refine rows view
- f7b0289 feat: relation name w/node type
- cf38018 feat: set settings before query exec
- 5080a04 feat: show plan vs actual pct
- 3703434 feat: show relation name
- 7232327 feat: version
- 84b4e9f fix(errors): funnel os errors up into ui
- 3680d2f fix(help): Add Prev/Next Query Run
- 4a451a1 fix(help): Rearrange
- 4202a54 fix(init): Ensure selectedNode
- e1d3691 fix(json): Correct temp buffers key
- b03c5e3 fix(mod): add stripansi
- ad1637e fix(stdin): read explain json with no buffers
- ac364bd fix(ui): Full line cursor
- 376aa6d fix(ui): Settings respects width
- 0c00d69 fix(uitest): ensure no ansi chars
- a0ec761 fix: Add 0 workers option
- b7d11a1 fix: Add sql up/down to help
- d47b858 fix: Anchor stat desc to right
- eb11b4f fix: Choose correct selected node
- 6c61490 fix: Clean up explain details
- 6aeb0e2 fix: Highlight entire cursor line
- 80165f4 fix: Keep track of original source
- be7240c fix: No 'JoinView' nodes
- be7911b fix: Numbers/Parallel on at the start
- dbc66c9 fix: One color for section border
- 3e38522 fix: Only display cursor with NextSettings
- 6319f78 fix: Refine colors in settings
- 52ea2c2 fix: Refine layout
- db2c476 fix: Remove Level from View
- 3de2da5 fix: Reset Context on stdin
- 43fdb82 fix: Should return from main after program
- 4de9536 fix: Spinner on re-execute
- 78db043 fix: Switch cursor styles
- d4a8d7b fix: Use deeper purple
- e3c6d1d fix: Workers style for workers count
- 04a6e1d fix: allocate slice correctly
- 30c3bd4 fix: cleanup weird lsp error for frankban/quickfix
- f01a709 fix: colors
- f622fbd fix: display correct filename
- d3c1ba4 fix: ensure latest queryRun
- 558bca9 fix: indent
- 0ceb3ad fix: indent toggle
- 05e84f3 fix: line numbers in join view
- 3761f3b fix: refine layout
- 4d1240f fix: spinner/watch should stop on err
- 8872d02 refactor(cobra): Move sql exec to own command
- aaf8104 refactor: Better slice allocation
- 552cb79 refactor: Better string appends
- e71d75f refactor: Integrate cobra
- 5beb2d9 refactor: Prefer strings.Builder
- d4b976f refactor: Re-org
- 60ea2ad refactor: Rename function
- 64fce9b refactor: Sort settings within btea cmd
- 20a38fa refactor: Standardize section ui design
- cd2b1f2 refactor: Use iota const for stats display
- 116c589 refactor: extract colors from view
- 9a4e958 refactor: funnel errors through ui
- 09988e3 refactor: parse nodes to flat list
- 82c0288 refactor: position struct
- 454773d refactor: use btea cmd idioms