This is a collection of Cakephp Middlewares.
This plugin provides commonly used middlewares to make it easier to integrate into your cakephp project.
- CakePHP Version 3.4+
composer require chrisshick/cakemiddlewares
To make your application load the plugin either run:
./bin/cake plugin load chrisShick/CakeMiddlewares
or add the following line to config/bootstrap.php
- Fork
- Mod, fix
- Test - This is important, so it's not unintentionally broken
- Commit - Please do not mess with license, todo, version, etc.
- Pull request
To ensure your PRs are considered for upstream, you MUST follow the CakePHP coding standards.
This repository was inspired by Oscarotero's PSR-7 Middelwares
The requirements and readme was inspired by UseMuffin's repositories.
Copyright (c) 2017, chrisShick and licensed under The MIT License.