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from MODIS bands, use nueral network(NN) to predict MERIS/OLCI bands


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From MODIS bands, use neural network(NN) to predict MERIS/OLCI bands for chlorophyll-a concentration modelling

This repository is the implementation of the following publication:


There are a few geospatial python packages are relied to run this program. It is recommended that you use Anaconda to build an exclusive python environment for MODISNN. here are some suggested steps if you are not familiar with Anaconda:

  • install Anaconda, Installation Guide
  • create a conda environment: conda create -n modisnn python
  • enter the new enviroment: conda activate modisnn
  • install the required packages: conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib numpy pandas gdal netcdf4


The package can be cloned into a directory with: git clone or you can manually download this repository and unzip to a local directory

within the modisnn conda environment or other similar setup, run the MODISNN in one of the following approaches:

1. input spectra as a table


>>>python './TestData/MODIS_rhos_samples.csv' -L 'LErie'

>>>python -h
usage: [-h] [-L] path_modis_rhos
MODISNN applying to spectra from a csv table
positional arguments:
  path_modis_rhos  the path to csv file of MODIS rhos bands, 14 MODIS bands [412nm to 1240nm] are required. invalid band values as empty, lat/lon columns are optional; start
                   with provided example: ./TestData/MODIS_rhos_samples.csv
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -L , --lakeID    the choice lakeID for training model selection, default: 'LNA' for Lakes of North America 

2. input spectra inline

use , replace the spectra and pick a training model:


3. input spectra as an image


>>>python TestData/A2011253190500.L2F -L LW
===image processed by MODISNN; result write to the input image folder: MODISNN_{inputname} ===

>>>python -h
usage: [-h] [-L] path_L2
MODISNN process image MODIS L2 files generated from l2gen
positional arguments:
  path_L2         the path to the MODIS L2 data after SEADAS `l2gen` processing; this L2 file, in netCDF4 format, needs to include ρs `rhos_xxx` bands example data provided:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  -L , --lakeID   the choice lakeID for training model selection

Extra: [Optional]

How to run the script with ESA BEAM-DIMAP files? processes MODINN for ESA SNAP BEAM-DIMAP format, with [].

run with commandline:

##test with an image given in "./TestData" for Lake Winnipeg
>>>python "./TestData/" --lakeID "LW"

>>>python .\ -h
usage: [-h] [-L lakeID] strDir
MODISNN process image: ESA .dim files
positional arguments:
  strDir                the path to the folder of the MODIS data after SEADAS `l2gen` processing; this folder needs to include `rhos_xxx.img` and `rhos_xxx.hdr` files.
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -L , --lakeID         the choice lakeID for training model selection

or use within a python script:

import MODISNN_img_dim as moidsnn

How to prepare MODIS rhos imagery?

  • download MODIS L1 imagery from NASA oceancolor data catalog
  • run the L1 to L2 processing using l2gen, suggesting you use the SEADAS software: SeaDAS-OCSSW
    • An example command of l2gen: l2gen ifile=./A2011253190500.L1B, geofile=./A2011253190500.GEO, ofile=./A2011253190500.L2F, resolution=1000, l2prod=Rrs_412,Rrs_443,Rrs_469,Rrs_488,Rrs_531,Rrs_547,Rrs_555,Rrs_645,Rrs_667,Rrs_678,Rrs_748,Rrs_859,Rrs_869,Rrs_1240,Rrs_1640,Rrs_2130,rhos_412,rhos_443,rhos_469,rhos_488,rhos_531,rhos_547,rhos_555,rhos_645,rhos_667,rhos_678,rhos_748,rhos_859,rhos_869,rhos_1240,rhos_1640,rhos_2130,flh,chlor_a,Zeu_lee, Zsd_lee, aer_opt=-3, cloud_wave=2130, cloud_thresh=0.04, maskglint=off, maskland=off, maskcloud=off, maskhilt=off, maskstlight=off

How to train my own NN models?

If you would like to apply MODISNN to a new lake and requires a finer model than the default LNA model of Lakes of North America, you can collect a training dataset and train a new model for a specific lake. MODIS + MERIS/OLCI data for that lake are BOTH needed as input and output.

  • download MODIS L1 data and run l2gen to process toward ρs as in the step above
  • download OLCI/MERIS L2 data from ESA website
  • prepare a list of grid points in your lake of interest; ideally at >5km for any of the two grid points to make sure samples are independant.
  • run pixel extraction tools (e.g., PixEx) to extract spectra from both MODIS and (MERIS/OLCI) sensors.
  • cleanup and join the spectra from the two sensors. using the script
  • train the MODISNN model, using the script
>>>python .\ Training/LNA.pkl -B 14 -T 15 -M -P -N 64 64
Iteration:  0           Error:  47352.16670898312       scale factor:  3.0
Iteration:  1           Error:  65.41165369868943       scale factor:  0.3
Iteration:  2           Error:  6.093200905484815       scale factor:  0.3
Iteration:  3           Error:  3.300948175016174       scale factor:  0.3
Iteration:  4           Error:  2.9215735852598375      scale factor:  0.3
Iteration:  5           Error:  2.836860392057827       scale factor:  0.3
Iteration:  6           Error:  2.8051699981198466      scale factor:  0.3
Iteration:  7           Error:  2.787749742485841       scale factor:  0.3
Iteration:  8           Error:  2.7755542476818205      scale factor:  0.3
Iteration:  9           Error:  2.7658275984845857      scale factor:  0.3
Iteration:  10          Error:  2.757547235728398       scale factor:  0.3
Iteration:  11          Error:  2.7502610527212106      scale factor:  0.3
Iteration:  12          Error:  2.74373364254917        scale factor:  0.3
Iteration:  13          Error:  2.7378239137088087      scale factor:  0.3
Iteration:  14          Error:  2.7324374348362612      scale factor:  0.3
Iteration:  15          Error:  2.73076121140133        scale factor:  0.03
Maximum number of iterations reached
===MODISNN training completed; a trained model written to: Training\LNA_NN_params_MODIS_rhos_14B_to_MERISL2_3B.csv ===
===MODISNN plot completed; a result svg written to the input folder: training.svg ===

>>>python .\ -h
usage: [-h] [-P] [-N] [-B] TrainingFile
MODISNN training
positional arguments:
  TrainingFile       the path to the pickle file as the training dataset, example provided: Training/All_Lakes_Training_NN.pkl
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  -P, --plot         flag to plot the training result, default is False
  -N , --Ntraining   the max number of iteration, default:15
  -B , --NNbands     select # of NN model input bands,only support 14B and 9B, default:14
  • after training, the model will be exported as a .csv file. Add 14B/9B NN models to the ./NNModels folder and choose the model by assigning the lakeID in applications

the example training result using the given LNA.pkl: MODISNN_training.svg

to train/apply the MODISNN using tensorflow2 instead of classic NN, please use MODISNN_TF


from MODIS bands, use nueral network(NN) to predict MERIS/OLCI bands







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