The first stage of this project has already been done with Beiling Lu and Lei Radium Yang.
- A serial version implemented the basic algorithms
- Obj loader for 3D models
- New constraints for collision detection and interactivity
- Surface reconstruction
Some images to show our project:
In the second stage, I would like to perform the following tasks:
- CUDA version of PBF Caution:
The physical system has problem so the cup is leaking!!! :(- The transparency is tested for future surface reconstruction. :p
- Accelerated algorithms in density estimation
- Here is a image to show the performance of GPU version vs CPU version. Our data can be find in performance.xls.
Floating objectsOnly rigidbody fluid coupling implemented:
Real-time surface reconstruction
- CUDA version of PBF Caution:
This project is based on the paper Position Based Fluids by Miles Macklin and Matthias Muller from NVidia. All the algorithms are designed by the authors if no specifications. In order to implement the rigidbody physics, I referred to the Meshless Deformations Based on Shape Matching. And the overall program framework is based on the paper Unified Particle Physics for Real-Time Applications.