<<<<<<< HEAD """ Single pulse plotting tools..."""
""" Waterfaller : Plots frequency vs time. Shows dispersed/ de-dispersed pulse depending on the parameters given. sp_pipeline : Automatically generates single pulse plots and corresponding .spd files (binary .npz files). The plot contains: 1. Waterfall de-dispersed plot with the dispersed plot as an inset with the zero-dm filter ON and OFF. 2. The corresponding time series to the above plots. 3. Signal to noise vs DM 4. DM vs time. 5. Relavant information to the plot. sp_pgplot : Contains Pgplot commands to make the 2D - waterfall plots for the plots generated by sp_pipeline.py . Also contains other important functions for making the DM vs time subplot. bary_and_topo : Returns topocentric and the corresponding barycentric times that are required to correct for the offset in the waterfall plots generated by sp_pipeline. show_spplots : Makes the same single pulse plot as that generated by sp_pipeline from the .spd file as an input. """
Utilities for single pulse candidates