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build: split publish flow to release.mill
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Signed-off-by: unlsycn <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
unlsycn committed Jan 18, 2025
1 parent be7ce7b commit 2014f78
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Showing 3 changed files with 173 additions and 164 deletions.
165 changes: 2 additions & 163 deletions build.mill
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,14 +2,7 @@ package build

import mill._
import mill.scalalib._
import mill.scalalib.publish._
import mill.scalalib.scalafmt._
import mill.api.Result
import mill.scalalib.api.ZincWorkerUtil.matchingVersions
import mill.util.Jvm.createJar
import $ivy.`io.chris-kipp::mill-ci-release::0.1.10`
import{CiReleaseModule, SonatypeHost}
import de.tobiasroeser.mill.vcs.version.VcsVersion // pulled in by mill-ci-release

import $packages._
import build._
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,7 +40,7 @@ object v extends Module {

def buildUnits(): Seq[ScalaModule] = {
scalaCrossVersions.flatMap { ver =>
Seq(chisel(ver), stdlib.cross(ver), unipublish)
Seq(chisel(ver), stdlib.cross(ver), release.unipublish)
} ++ scalaCrossVersions.filterNot(isScala3(_)).flatMap { ver2 =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,33 +112,6 @@ def compileAll() = Task.Command {

trait ChiselPublishModule extends CiReleaseModule {
// Publish information
def pomSettings = PomSettings(
description = artifactName(),
organization = "org.chipsalliance",
url = "",
licenses = Seq(License.`Apache-2.0`),
versionControl = VersionControl.github("chipsalliance", "chisel"),
developers = Seq(
Developer("jackkoenig", "Jack Koenig", ""),
Developer("azidar", "Adam Izraelevitz", ""),
Developer("seldridge", "Schuyler Eldridge", "")

override def sonatypeHost = Some(SonatypeHost.s01)

override def publishVersion = VcsVersion
countSep = "+",
revHashDigits = 8,
untaggedSuffix = "-SNAPSHOT"


trait HasScala2MacroAnno extends CrossModuleBase {
override def scalacOptions = Task {
if (!v.isScala3(crossScalaVersion)) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -279,6 +245,7 @@ trait HasPanamaConverterModule extends ScalaModule with HasCIRCTPanamaBindingMod
override def moduleDeps = super.moduleDeps ++ Some(panamaConverterModule)

// TODO: move chisel src to subfolder once we have dropped sbt flow
object chisel extends Cross[Chisel](v.scalaCrossVersions)

trait Chisel extends CrossSbtModule with HasScala2MacroAnno with HasScala2Plugin with ScalafmtModule {
Expand All @@ -305,131 +272,3 @@ trait Chisel extends CrossSbtModule with HasScala2MacroAnno with HasScala2Plugin
override def scalacOptions = Task { super.scalacOptions() :+ "-Wconf:cat=other-implicit-type:s" }

/** Aggregate project for publishing Chisel as a single artifact
object unipublish extends ScalaModule with ChiselPublishModule {

def scalaVersion = v.scalaVersion

// This is published as chisel
override def artifactName = "chisel"

// Older versions of Scala do not work with newer versions of the JVM
// This is a hack to ensure we always use Java 8 to publish Chisel with Scala 2.13
// We could use Java 11 with -release 8
// Note that this target is used by real publishing but not by publishLocal
override def publishArtifacts = Task {
// TODO when we publish for Scala 3, only do this check for Scala 2.13
if (v.javaVersion != 8) {
throw new Exception(s"Publishing requires Java 8, current JDK is ${v.javaVersion}")

/** Publish both this project and the plugin (for the default Scala version) */
override def publishLocal(localIvyRepo: String = null) = Task.Command {
// TODO consider making this parallel and publishing all cross-versions for plugin

// Explicitly not using moduleDeps because that influences so many things
def components = Seq(firrtl.cross, svsim.cross, macros.cross, core.cross, chisel).map(_(v.scalaVersion))

/** Aggregated ivy deps to include as dependencies in POM */
def ivyDeps = Task { Task.traverse(components)(_.ivyDeps)().flatten }

/** Aggregated local classpath to include in jar */
override def localClasspath = Task { Task.traverse(components)(_.localClasspath)().flatten }

/** Aggreagted sources from all component modules */
def aggregatedSources = Task { Task.traverse(components)(_.allSources)().flatten }

/** Aggreagted resources from all component modules */
def aggregatedResources = Task { Task.traverse(components)(_.resources)().flatten }

/** Aggreagted compile resources from all component modules */
def aggregatedCompileResources = Task { Task.traverse(components)(_.compileResources)().flatten }

/** Aggregated sourceJar from all component modules
override def sourceJar: T[PathRef] = Task {
// This is based on the implementation of sourceJar in PublishModule, may need to be kept in sync.
val allDirs = aggregatedSources() ++ aggregatedResources() ++ aggregatedCompileResources()
createJar(, manifest())

// Needed for ScalaDoc
override def scalacOptions = v.scala2CommonOptions

def scalaDocRootDoc = Task.Source { Task.workspace / "root-doc.txt" }

def unidocOptions = Task {
scalacOptions() ++ Seq[String](

// Built-in UnidocModule is insufficient so we need to implement it ourselves
// We could factor this out into a utility
def unidocSourceUrl: T[String] = Task {
val base = ""
val branch = if (publishVersion().endsWith("-SNAPSHOT")) "main" else s"v${publishVersion()}"

def unidocVersion: T[Option[String]] = None

def unidocCompileClasspath = Task {
Seq(compile().classes) ++ Task.traverse(components)(_.compileClasspath)().flatten

def unidocSourceFiles = Task {
allSourceFiles() ++ Task.traverse(components)(_.allSourceFiles)().flatten

// Based on UnidocModule and docJar in Mill, may need to be kept in sync.
override def docJar = Task {"Building unidoc for ${unidocSourceFiles().length} files")

val javadocDir = Task.dest / "javadoc"

val fullOptions = unidocOptions() ++
Seq("-d", javadocDir.toString) ++

) match {
case true => Result.Success(createJar(Agg(javadocDir))(Task.dest))
case false => Result.Failure("docJar generation failed")
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion plugin/package.mill
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,13 +6,14 @@ import mill.scalalib.scalafmt._
import mill.define.Cross

import build._
import $file.release

object `package` extends RootModule {
object cross extends Cross[Plugin](v.scalaCrossVersions)

trait Plugin extends CrossSbtModule with ScalafmtModule with ChiselPublishModule {
trait Plugin extends CrossSbtModule with ScalafmtModule with release.ChiselPublishModule {
override def artifactName = "chisel-plugin"

def millSourcePath = super.millSourcePath / os.up
Expand Down
169 changes: 169 additions & 0 deletions release.mill
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
package build

import mill._
import mill.scalalib._
import mill.scalalib.scalafmt._
import mill.scalalib.publish._
import mill.api.Result
import mill.scalalib.api.ZincWorkerUtil.matchingVersions
import mill.util.Jvm.createJar
import $ivy.`io.chris-kipp::mill-ci-release::0.1.10`
import{CiReleaseModule, SonatypeHost}
import de.tobiasroeser.mill.vcs.version.VcsVersion // pulled in by mill-ci-release

import build._

trait ChiselPublishModule extends CiReleaseModule {
// Publish information
def pomSettings = PomSettings(
description = artifactName(),
organization = "org.chipsalliance",
url = "",
licenses = Seq(License.`Apache-2.0`),
versionControl = VersionControl.github("chipsalliance", "chisel"),
developers = Seq(
Developer("jackkoenig", "Jack Koenig", ""),
Developer("azidar", "Adam Izraelevitz", ""),
Developer("seldridge", "Schuyler Eldridge", "")

override def sonatypeHost = Some(SonatypeHost.s01)

override def publishVersion = VcsVersion
countSep = "+",
revHashDigits = 8,
untaggedSuffix = "-SNAPSHOT"


/** Aggregate project for publishing Chisel as a single artifact
object unipublish extends ScalaModule with ChiselPublishModule {

def scalaVersion = v.scalaVersion

// This is published as chisel
override def artifactName = "chisel"

// Older versions of Scala do not work with newer versions of the JVM
// This is a hack to ensure we always use Java 8 to publish Chisel with Scala 2.13
// We could use Java 11 with -release 8
// Note that this target is used by real publishing but not by publishLocal
override def publishArtifacts = Task {
// TODO when we publish for Scala 3, only do this check for Scala 2.13
if (v.javaVersion != 8) {
throw new Exception(s"Publishing requires Java 8, current JDK is ${v.javaVersion}")

/** Publish both this project and the plugin (for the default Scala version) */
override def publishLocal(localIvyRepo: String = null) = Task.Command {
// TODO consider making this parallel and publishing all cross-versions for plugin

// Explicitly not using moduleDeps because that influences so many things
def components = Seq(firrtl.cross, svsim.cross, macros.cross, core.cross, chisel).map(_(v.scalaVersion))

/** Aggregated ivy deps to include as dependencies in POM */
def ivyDeps = Task { Task.traverse(components)(_.ivyDeps)().flatten }

/** Aggregated local classpath to include in jar */
override def localClasspath = Task { Task.traverse(components)(_.localClasspath)().flatten }

/** Aggreagted sources from all component modules */
def aggregatedSources = Task { Task.traverse(components)(_.allSources)().flatten }

/** Aggreagted resources from all component modules */
def aggregatedResources = Task { Task.traverse(components)(_.resources)().flatten }

/** Aggreagted compile resources from all component modules */
def aggregatedCompileResources = Task { Task.traverse(components)(_.compileResources)().flatten }

/** Aggregated sourceJar from all component modules
override def sourceJar: T[PathRef] = Task {
// This is based on the implementation of sourceJar in PublishModule, may need to be kept in sync.
val allDirs = aggregatedSources() ++ aggregatedResources() ++ aggregatedCompileResources()
createJar(, manifest())

// Needed for ScalaDoc
override def scalacOptions = v.scala2CommonOptions

def scalaDocRootDoc = Task.Source { Task.workspace / "root-doc.txt" }

def unidocOptions = Task {
scalacOptions() ++ Seq[String](

// Built-in UnidocModule is insufficient so we need to implement it ourselves
// We could factor this out into a utility
def unidocSourceUrl: T[String] = Task {
val base = ""
val branch = if (publishVersion().endsWith("-SNAPSHOT")) "main" else s"v${publishVersion()}"

def unidocVersion: T[Option[String]] = None

def unidocCompileClasspath = Task {
Seq(compile().classes) ++ Task.traverse(components)(_.compileClasspath)().flatten

def unidocSourceFiles = Task {
allSourceFiles() ++ Task.traverse(components)(_.allSourceFiles)().flatten

// Based on UnidocModule and docJar in Mill, may need to be kept in sync.
override def docJar = Task {"Building unidoc for ${unidocSourceFiles().length} files")

val javadocDir = Task.dest / "javadoc"

val fullOptions = unidocOptions() ++
Seq("-d", javadocDir.toString) ++

) match {
case true => Result.Success(createJar(Agg(javadocDir))(Task.dest))
case false => Result.Failure("docJar generation failed")

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