I am open to work. Feel free to contact me at [email protected] if you have an opening. Thank you!
- This library has been successfully used in:
- Insurance App
- Maps & Navigation App
- Financial App
- It is a component that requires user slide to confirm for some proceeding actions
- Works on Android
- It extends the Android
- It adds necessary children at runtime
- It detects user drags on the slider
- It detects the user drags the slider to the end, and vibrate according to configuration
- It resets its status when user releases but the slider is not at the end
- Easy to use, one line code for all configurations
- Perfect performance
- Deal with conflicts between vertical scroll gestures on out container perfectly
- Flexible for customizing the slider (either LOTTIE or image) / border radius / background colors / animate duration / vibrate duration / ...
- Allow resetting status, this UNLOCKs the feature of multi-steps action!
- Two steps:
- Add
implementation 'com.github.chinalwb:slidetoconfirm:1.0.3'
in your build.gradle - Include
whenever necessary, for example:
<com.chinalwb.slidetoconfirmlib.SlideToConfirm xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
app:engage_text="Your action text"
tools:context=".MainActivity" >
Attribute Name | Description | Sample Value |
border_radius | The border radius of the entire layout | 0dp / 2dp / any other dp |
border_width | The width of the border | 1dp |
slider_background_color | The color of the entire layout | any color reference |
slider_color | The color of the slider | any color referrence |
slider_lottie | The lottie file to be shown as slider | lottie_x.json -- needs to be in assets folder |
slider_image | If you don't want to use lottie, you can use image, when both this and slider_lottie are provided, this wins |
any drawable reference |
slider_width | Specify what the size of the slider | 100dp |
slider_reset_duration | How long it takes for the reset animation when releasing the slider if not at end, in ms |
300 |
slider_vibration_duration | How long for the vibration when triggering unlocked, in ms |
100 |
slider_threshold | How far you'd regard the user has reached the end, for example 0dp means user has to explicit reaches the right end | 1dp |
engage_text | To customize Slide to unlock |
any string, like slide to xxx |
engage_text_size | The text size of the engage text Slide to unlock |
17sp |
engage_text_color | The text color of the engage text Slide to unlock |
any color reference |
engaged_text_font | The text font of the engage text, in res/font folder |
@font/your_font |
completed_text | To customize the text after unlocked. e.g.: Unlocked! |
any string you want |
completed_text_size | The text size of the completed text | 17sp |
completed_text_color | The text color of the completed text | any color referrence |
completed_text_font | The text font of the completed text, in res/font folder |
@font/your_font |
SlideToConfirm.setSlideListener(new ISlideListener() { ... })
; Use this when you want to detect the slider is start dragging (action down) / in dragging (action move) / cancel (action up) / done (action up when at the right end)SlideToConfirm.reset()
; Use this when you want to reset the slider to initial state after it has been in completed stateSlideToConfirm.setEngageText(...)
; Use this when you want to update the engage text programmaticallySlideToConfirm.setCompletedText(...)
; Use this when you want to update the completed text programmatically
License: MIT
If you find my work is helpful to you or you are start using my code, you don't need to buy me a coffee, just could you please send me a "✨"? Your * encourages me to make more features open source, thanks for your support. You can contact me at [email protected] if you need any customization or any suggestion.