PhotoBrowser is a zoomable picture and custom view browsing plugin that supports thumbnails and provides picture data that you can use to download to your local album.
photo_browser: 3.0.3
import 'package:photo_browser/photo_browser.dart';
Widget _buildCell(BuildContext context, int cellIndex) {
return GestureDetector(
onTap: () {
PhotoBrowser photoBrowser = PhotoBrowser(
itemCount: _bigPhotos.length,
initIndex: cellIndex,
controller: _browserController,
allowTapToPop: true,
allowSwipeDownToPop: true,
// If allowPullDownToPop is true, the allowTapToPop setting is invalid.
// 如果allowPullDownToPop为true,则allowTapToPop设置无效
allowPullDownToPop: true,
heroTagBuilder: (int index) {
return _heroTags[index];
// Large images setting.
// 大图设置
imageUrlBuilder: (int index) {
return _bigPhotos[index];
// Thumbnails setting.
// 缩略图设置
thumbImageUrlBuilder: (int index) {
return _thumbPhotos[index];
positions: (BuildContext context) =>
positionBuilders: <PositionBuilder>[
loadFailedChild: _failedChild(),
// You can push directly.
// 可以直接push
// photoBrowser.push(context);
.push(context, page: HCHud(child: photoBrowser))
.then((value) {
print('PhotoBrowser closed');
child: Stack(
children: [
child: Container(color: Colors.grey.withOpacity(0.6))),
child: Hero(
tag: _heroTags[cellIndex],
child: _buildImage(cellIndex),
(BuildContext context, Size heroSize, Widget child) =>
onTap: () {
// Pop through controller
// 通过控制器pop退出,效果和单击退出效果一样
onTap: () async {
// Obtain image data through the controller
// 通过控制器获取图片数据
ImageInfo? imageInfo;
if (_browserController.imageInfo[curIndex] != null) {
imageInfo = _browserController.imageInfo[curIndex];
} else if (_browserController.thumbImageInfo[curIndex] != null) {
imageInfo = _browserController.thumbImageInfo[curIndex];
if (imageInfo == null) {
// Save image to album
// 将图片保存到相册
var byteData =
await imageInfo.image.toByteData(format: ImageByteFormat.png);
if (byteData != null) {
Uint8List uint8list = byteData.buffer.asUint8List();
var result = await ImageGallerySaver.saveImage(
onTap: () {
// Refresh the photoBrowser through the controller
// 通过控制器,刷新PhotoBrowser
_browserController.setState(() {});