- Table Of Contents
- Automatic Project Structures for README's
- Technologies
- Authors Table
- Config Values
A web application that helps automate README creation
Read: https://github.com/MLH-Fellowship/0.2.1-readme-dirs/wiki/Tree-Core-Architecure
Head to URL and type in your Github Project URL and watch a MarkDown Accessible README with pre-filled descriptions appear!
With a one-click Copy/Paste you can update your README with the best MarkDown Project Structure README's you've ever seen!
Example Github Project URL: https://github.com/MLH-Fellowship/0.2.1-readme-dirs
We built this tool two solve two major issues and two minor issues:
- README's don't contain project structures which make it difficult for contributors to understand where everything is and how what's happening inside the repository.
- Existing Project Structures don't have hyperlinks making the UX of a project structure a bit difficult to navigate with excessive scrolling or third party plugins to extend the functionality. This requires no third-party software and can be done right in Github natively!
- You can plug in any repo you want to contribute to and completely understand what every folder does thanks to auto generated documentation!
- You can attach Badges to your repository to help people find the correct NPM Package your repository references!
- React - To Build out the front-end application
- Github V3 REST API - To pull Tree Structures from Github Repositories
- JavaScript (ES6) - To execute API Requests
- TypeScript
- Styled Components (CSS-IN-JS Framework)
- Babel
sahandfarahani Contributions: 180 Public Repos: 10 🐦 | Manpreet-Bhatti Brampton, Ontario Contributions: 150 Public Repos: 10 🐦 | ralph-dev Toronto Contributions: 32 Public Repos: 62 🐦 | nchaloult Atlanta, GA Contributions: 30 Public Repos: 20 🐦 | mohammedsahl Waterloo, Canada Contributions: 18 Public Repos: 21 🐦 |
dangnhathuy Contributions: 7 Public Repos: 5 🐦 |
Configuration | Type | Default Value | Description |
CollapsibleFolder | Boolean | true | Make folders collapsible |
RegexKeyword | String | 'Preview' | Gets the comment in form of @keyword{comment} |
Filter | FilterType { NULL, ROOT_ONLY, FOLDER_ONLY} |
FilterType.NULL | Generate the tree through a filter |
AuthorConfigs | {onlyOwner:boolean, AuthorInfo:Authorinfo,TableDesign:TableDesign} | onlyOwner=false | If we only want owner info and which infos |
TableDesign | {VERTICAL, CELL_DESIGN} | VERTICAL | Design Style of Table |
AuthorInfo | WithName,WithPicture,WithContributions,WithEmail, WithLocation,WithTwitterUsername,WithNumberOfRepos |
Which Information of Authors to show | |
WithName | Boolean | true | Authors Login Name |
WithPicture | Boolean | true | Authors Picture |
WithContributions | Boolean | true | Number of Author's Contributions |
WithEmail | Boolean | false | Authors Email |
WithLocation | Boolean | false | Authors Location |
WithTwitterUsername | Boolean | false | Authors Twitter Link |
WithNumberOfRepos | Boolean | false | Authors public Repo Number |
GooglePlayLink | String | "" | GooglePlay Link URL |
IOSStoreLink | String | "" | IOS Store Link URL |
WithTableOfContent | boolean | true | is there Table of Content? |
IncludePackageCommands | boolean | true | Table of commands from package.json in "/command/: description" format |
⚙️ ℹ️ .eslintrc.js 📂 .github
📄 FUNDING.yml⚙️ ℹ️ .gitignore ⚖️ LICENSE 📜 README.md 📄 ℹ️ package-lock.json 📄 ℹ️ package.json 📂 public
📄 favicon.ico
📄 index.html
📂 src
📄 App.tsx
📂 components
📄 BadgesSection.tsx
📄 CommentSection.tsx
📄 MarkdownDisplay.tsx
📄 MarkdownDisplayLine.tsx
📄 URLBox.tsx
📂 images
📄 Demo.gif
📄 updatedDemo.gif
📄 index.css
📄 index.tsx
📄 react-app-env.d.ts
📂 tree
📄 constants.ts
📄 index.ts
📄 languageWebsites.ts
📄 types.ts
📂 utils
📄 Switch.tsx
📄 deepCopyFunction.ts
📄 extractString.ts
📄 filterChange.ts
📄 generateCoreTest.ts
📂 getAutoGeneratedCommentForPath
📄 getAutoGeneratedCommentForPath.ts
📄 getAutoGeneratedCommentForPathtest.ts
📄 getBuiltinComment.ts # "; const END_OF_FILE_COMMENT_PATTERN =
📄 getCoreFromTree.ts
📄 getInfoLinks.ts
📂 getLargestFileNameLengthInPath
📄 getLargestFileNameLengthInLevel.ts
📄 getLargestFileNameLengthInLevelTest.ts
📄 getPreviousTree.ts
📄 getWebsiteForLanguage.ts
📄 tagWrap.ts
📄 ℹ️ tsconfig.json