This web-based firmware programmer allows users to update and manage firmware on Chase Bliss Audio devices, offering compatibility with various DFU (Device Firmware Update)-capable chips and boards.
The firmware programmer enables users to flash their devices with either user-uploaded binary files or select from a range of pre-compiled firmware options.
To access the programmer, visit:
Please follow the instructions provided on the webpage to update your device.
For local development or testing within your network, follow these steps to set up the programmer:
- Ensure Node.js is installed on your computer. Download it from Node.js official website.
- Install
- Open your terminal or command prompt.
- Navigate to the project directory where the programmer is located.
- Execute the following command to install
globally, allowing its use across projects:
npm install -g live-server
- Run the Interface Locally:
- In your terminal, navigate to the root directory of the repository.
- Start
with this command:
- Accessing the Local Version:
- With the server running, visit https://localhost:8080 to use the interface locally.