- An Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, 18.04 LTS or 16.04 LTS environment to run the commands
- At least 20G of disk space and 8G of memory are recommended
- An internet connection
sudo snap install microk8s --classic --channel 1.19/stable
sudo usermod -a -G microk8s `whoami`
sudo chown -f -R `whoami` ~/.kube
newgrp microk8s
microk8s.status --wait-ready
microk8s.enable storage dns
Juju controller:
sudo snap install juju --classic --channel 2.8/stable
juju bootstrap microk8s
Juju model:
juju add-model ecosystem microk8s
Build charms:
Requirement for elasticsearch:
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
To deploy the whole environment at the same time, execute the following command:
juju deploy cs:knf-lma-stack
The following sections show the steps to deploy the charms manually, one by one.
juju deploy ./prometheus
juju deploy ./grafana
Relate prometheus and grafana:
juju relate grafana prometheus
Deploy simulator:
juju deploy ./mock-knf
Relate simulator to prometheus:
juju relate prometheus mock-knf
Scale simulator:
juju scale-application mock-knf 3
Go to Prometheus url and check under status/targets if all node exporters are listed there.
Login to grafana, create a dashboard and check the metrics for the following queries:
Deploy Graylog:
juju deploy ./graylog
juju config graylog admin-password=admin
Deploy Mongo and elasticsearch:
juju deploy ./mongodb
juju deploy ./elasticsearch
Graylog relations:
juju relate graylog mongodb
juju relate graylog elasticsearch
Deploy Filebeat and relate to graylog:
juju deploy ./filebeat
juju relate graylog filebeat
juju scale-application mock-knf 3
In the start hook, MongoDB will try to initialize the replica set. Normally, when Juju will trigger that hook,
the mongod
service of the workload pod won't be ready, so the start hook will be deferred. This mean that before
running the next hook, the start hook will be executed again. This process keeps going until the mongod
is up and running, and the charm can configure the replica set.
Usually, the update-status
hook will make possible the re-trigger of the start hook in order to configure the
replica set. The update-status-hook-interval
defaults to 5m. If we want to have a faster deployment, we can override
the value update-status-hook-interval
to 1m.
juju model-config update-status-hook-interval=1m