More models!
New models joined the crew: Groq's Llama3.1, Cerebras Llama3.1, DeepSeek's lineup, and Google Gemini.
Check out the configuration template and update your settings (mods --settings
) if you need to use them!
New Features
- 3dc0a94: feat: add DeepSeek models to config template (#312) (@ArthurHeymans)
- c6e7308: feat: add cerebras llama3.1 (#339) (@jay-tau)
- e144464: feat: add groq's Llama3.1 and updated Llama3 models (#338) (@jay-tau)
- e9af3b6: feat: support for Google Gemini (#314) (@cloudbridgeuy)
- 6c20fa7: feat: use go 1.21 (@caarlos0)
Bug fixes
- 89c240e: fix: Correct baseURL configuration for Anthropic API (#309) (@nanbingxyz)
- 79ee7d5: fix: broken after glamour/glow update (@caarlos0)
- 17538ff: fix: error handling (@caarlos0)
- c3d358f: fix: error handling (@caarlos0)
- 8d4f845: fix: lint issue (@caarlos0)
- f834b65: fix: lint issues (#327) (@caarlos0)
- 5fe5c3a: fix: ollama config (#318) (@cerisara)
- 96a7150: fix: output correct model if ContinueLast (#320) (@sedlund)
- 40a0456: fix: raw output being rendered twice (#346) (@caarlos0)
Documentation updates
Verifying the artifacts
First, download the checksums.txt
file, for example, with wget
wget 'https://github.com/charmbracelet/mods/releases/download/v1.6.0/checksums.txt'
Then, verify it using cosign
cosign verify-blob \
--certificate-identity 'https://github.com/charmbracelet/meta/.github/workflows/goreleaser.yml@refs/heads/main' \
--certificate-oidc-issuer 'https://token.actions.githubusercontent.com' \
--cert 'https://github.com/charmbracelet/mods/releases/download/v1.6.0/checksums.txt.pem' \
--signature 'https://github.com/charmbracelet/mods/releases/download/v1.6.0/checksums.txt.sig' \
If the output is Verified OK
, you can safely use it to verify the checksums of other artifacts you downloaded from the release using sha256sum
sha256sum --ignore-missing -c checksums.txt
Done! You artifacts are now verified!
Thoughts? Questions? We love hearing from you. Feel free to reach out on Twitter, The Fediverse, or on Discord.