Fighting homelessness in Toronto, Ontario.
- Update @prettier/ruby-plugin to v3 when prettier/plugin-ruby#1264 is fixed.
- Add basic testing
- Ensure that user confirmation doesn't auto-trigger when hovering over link in email client
- Report slow queries to Honeybadger using:
- Remove AlpineJS
- Asynchronously initialize Mapbox (see application layout)
# Install required tools (OSX):
brew install rbenv ruby-build # rbenv is a Ruby version manager
brew install volta # volta is a Node version manager
brew install overmind # overmind is a procfile runner
brew install --cask docker # docker builds and runs containers
# Set up system for development:
# Run server for development:
open http://localhost:3000 # run in separate terminal to open application server
# Start development tools (optional):
open http://localhost:3000/internal/letter_opener # show emails sent in development
open http://localhost:3000/internal/good_job # show jobs dashboard
open http://localhost:1080 # show emails caught by MailCatcher
docker compose up -d pgweb && open http://localhost:8081 # Postgres UI
docker commpose up -d kibana && open http://localhost:5601 # Kibana (ElasticSearch UI)
# Attach to Rails server for debugging:
bin/attach # detach with "ctrl-b d"; scroll with "ctrl-b ["
# Format code:
bin/fmt [--check] <targets>
# Lint code:
bin/lint [--check] <targets>
# Generate Ruby typings for gems:
bin/tapioca gem <name>
# Generate Ruby typings for application:
bin/tapioca dsl
# Annotate models:
# Show TODOs/FIXMEs/NOTEs, etc:
bin/rails notes
# Show routes:
bin/rails routes
To setup a development environment on windows, you'll clone the repo into a unix instance through WSL and run everything from there.
(The following presumes that you're running a Windows 11 machine connected to an instance of Ubuntu version 22.04 running through WSL)
After installing and configuring your Ubuntu instance, ensure that you have the following dependencies installed before cloning the repository! If you're going through these one at a time, probably restart your wsl instance after every installing every major dependency.
- Install the ruby version manager
- Ubuntu-22.04 comes with a later version of openssl that the ruby version used by this project isn't compatible with. Install openssl version 1.1.1 and install ruby 3.1.2-Follow the instructions in the most upvoted answer to this stackoverflow question
NPM and Yarn
- Install NVM, use node version 16
curl -o- | bash
nvm install latest
nvm use 16
- Use corepack that comes with node to install yarn
corepack enable yarn
corepack install yarn -g
corepack prepare yarn@stable --activate
- Install NVM, use node version 16
Install postgresql
Configure it
- Modify
to listen on all addresses- Set
listen_addresses = '*'
- Set
- Create a password for the default postgres user
sudo -u postgres psql template1
ALTER USER postgres with encrypted password '<your password>';
- Restart postgresql service
sudo systemctl restart postgresql.service
- Modify
Install libpq-dev
sudo apt-get -y install libpq-dev
Install postgis
sudo apt install postgis
Ensure that the user that you will be using to login to postgres with has the following role attributes:
Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS
- Install the Go version manager
sudo apt install tmux
- Follow the instructions!
After you've cloned the repository run bin/setup
and bin/dev
in the root of the repository. To test, try connecting to 'http://localhost:3000' to see if the webserver loads the site correctly.
Then you can run bin/rails db:seed to populate the database with default data for the locations of the shelters.