Sangu Package - Warlord TW extension
The Sangu Package is a Greasemonkey script for Firefox, Opera and Chrome (Tampermonkey) that improves Tribal Wars gameplay speed and optimizes gameplay flow by adding extra features on pretty much every page, most notably the village overview pages.
Currently only the .nl Tribal Wars server is supported. There is a trans
JS object that should
make it (relatively) easy to make the script work on DE worlds aswell. The use of Greasemonkey is (last
time I checked) not allowed on any other server, so NL and DE are the only ones translations
can be added for.
Currently all NL worlds are supported.
All features should work in the latest versions of Opera, FireFox and Chrome (easiest to install and manage with the Tampermonkey extension).
The code is pure JavaScript with extensive use of jQuery.
Code structure:
- start.user.js : The file that is merged by
- *page* : The features per Tribal Wars page. Most code is in here.
- *feature* : Map jumper and the SP activator. Features active on all pages.
- *config* : Different world and user settings. Translations.
- *func* : Functions of all kinds. (UI, DateTime, Debug, Persistence, Number and TW Building helpers)
- *greasemonkey* : Code specific for Greasemonkey/UserScript
- version.txt : Current version of Sangu Package
- mergeIt.ahk : The Autohotkey script that creates
An Autohotkey script (mergeIt.ahk) can be used to assemble the different js files into "sangupackage.user.js". To do this: Download and install Autohotkey, then double click mergeIt.ahk when in the same directory as the source files and it will create the complete Greasemonkey script. Change the following line (2nd line) in the script to change the path to the location you want it to end up at: (otherwise it will be placed in the same directory as mergeIt.ahk)
savePath := "yourFullPathHere" ;this is a comment
This (Autohotkey) means the script can currently only be assembled on a Windows machine. (This was perhaps not really thought through:). If a non Windows person wants to join the project, I'm sure we can come up with a solution that works for both environments :)
Everyone is more than welcome to join in. Lots of features that can still be added or improved. I think translating to DE should be priority no 1 so that German JavaScript/jQuery programmers or hackers can join in to make the Sangu Package even better.
You can contact me at [email protected].