An implementation of an js router for mannaging multiple spa app. The purpose of this framework is to provide an agnostic router.
The declaration of the routing rules use custom html elements :
<fem-route path="/home" default="true" scripts="/js/route.js, /css/route.css"></fem-route>
<fem-route module="angularjs" path="/another-app"
scripts="/js/app-angular.js, /css/app-angular.css"
main-angular-module="app" ui-view
Two main tags :
- fem-router : the main tags. Initialize and Allow to parametrize all the router.
- fem-route : Define an specific app. Contain all the description for mounting this route.
The fem script inject in the global context of the page an object for changing the current location :
with as first parameter the target path and second parameter an optional event.
: the default module loader. This module is include in the main project.angularjs
: An module for loading angularjs app. The main resource can be found in fem-angulariframe
: An module for including Non Spa application. in progressvue
: TODOaurelia
: TODOangular2
: TODOreact