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The continuous configuration model (CCM) ( constitutes a representation of arbitrary magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences and tissues, which allows for a rigorous and transparent treatment of signal localization by selective excitation and/or spatial encoding.

The configuration model toolkit (CoMoTk), specifically the Matlab class CoMo, implements the CCM for Bloch-Torrey and Bloch-McConnell equations. The examples/ folder contains all scripts needed to reproduce the results from the article and the associated supporting information.


Just add the matlab/ folder with subdirectories to your Matlab path.

Important: A Matlab version of R2016b or later is required, since implicit expansion is used a lot.

Small Example

The following example should give a first impression of how to work with the toolkit. Further information is provided in the documented code and the scripts in the examples/ folder cover typical application scenarios. To fully benefit from the toolkit, it is indispensable to take a closer look at the linked article though.

% Example: sample FID of SSFP during transient phase 
% sequence and tissue parameters
TR = 1;                         % repetition time [ms]
TE = 0.1;                       % echo time [ms]
flip_angle = pi / 2;            % flip angle [rad]
phase = 0;                      % phase [rad]

T1 = 100;                       % longitudinal relaxation time [ms]
T2 = 10;                        % transverse relaxation time [ms]
D = 0;                          % we neglect diffusion in this example

% initialize class
cm = CoMo;      

% set tissue parameters
cm.R1 = 1 / T1;                 % longitudinal relaxation rate [1/ms]
cm.R2 = 1 / T2;                 % transverse relaxation rate [1/ms]
cm.D = D;                       % diffusion constant [um^2/ms]

% crusher gradient moment

p_c = 1;
p_crusher = [ p_c; 0; 0 ];      % since we neglect diffusion,
                                % it only matters that it is nonzero

% discretization of configuration space
% (ideally the greatest common divisor of all time intervals and/or gradient moments)
cm.d_tau = TE;
cm.d_p = p_crusher;

% set RF pulse parameters
rf.FlipAngle = flip_angle;      % flip angle [rad]
rf.Phase = phase;               % phase [rad]

% set time interval from RF pulse to echo
te.tau = TE;                    % duration

% set time interval from echo to RF pulse (includes crusher)
crusher.tau = TR - TE;          % duration
crusher.p = p_crusher;          % zero-order gradient moment

% desired number of samples
n_TR = 100;

% allocate space for results
m_xy = zeros( n_TR, 1 );

% execute sequence loop
for i = 1 : n_TR                

  cm.RF( rf );                  % RF pulse

  cm.time( te );                % time to echo

  % only magnetization pathways with no dephasing by crushers contribute to the FID signal.
  % this corresponds to cm.p == [ O; O; O ], as explained in the article, linked above. 
  % to avoid possible rounding problems, we replace the condition by a more robust one.

  fid = [];
  fid.b_n = cm.occ & ( max( abs( cm.p ), [], 1 ) < 0.1 * p_c );   % cm.occ denotes occupied configurations

  res = cm.sum( fid );          % extract FID
  m_xy( i ) = res.xy;           % store transverse component

  cm.time( crusher );           % time to next RF pulse (includes crusher gradient)

% done

Please Note

CoMoTk constitutes a proof-of-concept implementation of the CCM. Its numerical performance is limited, as it only supports single-core computation. For serious projects consider porting it to a parallel architecture, since the time-consuming part of the CCM iterations will benefit from it.


To supplement the submission of the background article about the CCM, a packaged, citable version of CoMoTk has been created:

img (v0.43 - Aug. 2021)


Please use the issue tracker or write an email to [email protected].

Reporting bugs: Most helpful are small example scripts, which generate the error.