This project gathers a web interface based on plugit to manage RadioDNS services (RadioVIS, RadioEPG and ServiceFollowing).
The project contains a scalable RadioVis server written in python (without comet support).
You can find the plugit module inside RadioDns-PlugIt
(See installation below to see how to run it), the RadioVis server inside RadioVisServer
and deployments scripts inside Deployment
Check each folder for specifics README about each part.
The RadioDNS manager is based on PlugIt, so you will need to :
Instruction to deploy each parts of the project are available in the Deployment folder
Contact the EBU (Mathias Coinchon, [email protected]) if you need more information about RadioDNS and its associated developments.
Copyright (c) 2013-2014, EBU-UER Technology & Innovation
The code is under BSD (3-Clause) License. (see LICENSE.txt)