Install Docker from their website.
Download postgres docker image:
- docker pull postgres:13-alpine
For this version we use 13-alpine which is a small an lighweight postgress version. Remenber to install the lastest alpine version.
Create postgres container:
- docker run --name postgres13 -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=admin -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -d postgres:13-alpine
The container name is postgres13 and the image name is postgres:13-alpine. This commnad will let us our container created and running. Notice that we create an user with its password, they are admin and password respectively.
Install golang migration tool(golang-migrate), from OSX this can be done easily with Homebrew:
- brew install golang-migrate
Create our database:
- docker exec -it postgres13 createdb --username=admin --owner=admin freefortalking
Run migrations:
- migrate -path app/db/migration -database "postgres://admin:password@localhost:5432/freefortalking?sslmode=disable" -verbose up
Before runnig our migrations located in db/migrations folder, please check that our postgres container is up(status) and running with the following command.
- docker ps -a
Note: Almost all commands are located on Makefile located at app/cli, so you dont need to copy them just need to check which command is what you need and run with make command