- Complete implementation of an EXI "Efficient XML Interchange" processor (https://www.w3.org/TR/exi/),
- in modern, idiomatic and portable C++,
- designed and implemented using the cepS - Ansatz,
- extends EXI significantly by providing a general framework for gammar based compression,
- truly open.
The meaning of the term "truly open" includes:
- open as in open source,
- and open as in open architecture, i.e. the inner workings of the software are open for inspection and experimentation (complete executable spec in model/),
- applies a corpus based approach to modelling, which allows for the incorporation of AI agents (e.g. Codepilot).
- Unixish OS
- recentish C++ compiler (e.g. g++ version >= 9)
- cmake
- aha (not the band)
- gnuplot