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Add the ability to set booleans and numbers
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This is the default for values that look like bools and numbers
on the command line. To coerce them to strings, wrap two layers
of quotes around them. Why two layers? Because your shell removes
the first layer as part of its argument parsing.

So to set a boolean:
tomato set is.this.sparta true citystates.toml

To set a string:
tomato set is.this.sparta '"true"' citystates.toml

Use the same approach for numbers.

Documented this feature in the readme.

This should fix # 2: Ability to set non-string values
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ceejbot committed Sep 24, 2023
1 parent e190e0f commit e4d1998
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`get` and `rm` both print empty string to stdout if the target key is not found. `set`
exits with a non-zero status with a message printed to stderr if the target key is not found.

## Setting booleans and numbers

Tomato treats booleans and numbers slightly differently than ordinary values in its `set` command. It's likely that you'll need to set both true-the-boolean and "true"-the-string as values at some point. To distinguish `true` the boolean from `"true"` the string on the command line, use quotes around the string and do not use them around the boolean. Remember that your shell strips the first layer of quoting, so you need to use two layers! That is, use `'"true"'` to get a string, and `true` to get a boolean.

Here are examples that work with the test fixture:

# set a value to a boolean
➜ tomato -f toml set testcases.are_complete true fixtures/sample.toml
➜ tomato -f toml get testcases.are_complete fixtures/sample.toml
# set a value to a string
➜ tomato -f toml set testcases.are_complete '"false"' fixtures/sample.toml
# set a value to a number
➜ tomato -f toml set testcases.are_complete 20 fixtures/sample.toml
# set a value to a string that happens to be a number
➜ tomato -f toml set testcases.are_complete "'20'" fixtures/sample.toml
➜ tomato -f toml get testcases.are_complete fixtures/sample.toml

## Examples

Here are some examples run against the Cargo manifest for this project:
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166 changes: 159 additions & 7 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ use keys::*;
/// The 'bash' format option is ignored.
pub struct Args {
/// How to format the output: json, toml, bash, or raw
#[clap(short, long, default_value = "raw")]
#[clap(short, long, global = true, default_value = "raw")]
format: Format,
/// Back up the file to <filepath>.bak if we write a new version. This option
/// is ignored when we're operating on stdin.
#[clap(long, short)]
#[clap(long, short, global = true)]
backup: bool,
cmd: Command,
Expand All @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ pub enum Command {
/// The key to set a value for. Use dots as path separators.
key: Keyspec,
/// The new value.
value: String,
value: TomlVal,
/// The toml file to read from. Omit to read from stdin. If you read from stdin,
/// the normal output of the old value is suppressed. Instead the modified file is written
/// to stdout in json if you requested json, toml otherwise.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,6 +120,43 @@ impl FromStr for Format {

// A wrapper around toml_edit values to allow us to distinguish between `"true"`
// (a string) and `true` (a boolean) as command-line arguments.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct TomlVal {
inner: Value,

impl FromStr for TomlVal {
type Err = anyhow::Error;

fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
let quoted_string = regex::Regex::new(r#"^"(.+)"|'(.+)'$"#).unwrap();
let inner = if let Some(captures) = quoted_string.captures(s) {
let core = if let Some(_c) = captures.get(1) {
} else if let Some(_c) = captures.get(2) {
} else {
} else if s == "true" {
} else if s == "false" {
} else if let Ok(v) = i64::from_str(s) {
} else if let Ok(v) = f64::from_str(s) {
} else {

Ok(TomlVal { inner })

/// Read the toml file and parse it. Respond with an error that gets propagated up
/// if the file is not valid toml.
pub fn parse_file(maybepath: Option<&String>) -> anyhow::Result<Document, anyhow::Error> {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -221,7 +258,7 @@ pub fn remove_key(toml: &mut Document, dotted_key: &Keyspec) -> Result<Item, any
pub fn set_key(
toml: &mut Document,
dotted_key: &Keyspec,
value: &str,
value: &Value,
) -> Result<Item, anyhow::Error> {
let mut node: &mut Item = toml.as_item_mut();
let iterator = dotted_key.subkeys.iter();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -282,6 +319,7 @@ pub fn append_value(


/// Format the given toml_edit item for the desired kind of output.
pub fn format_item(item: &Item, output: Format) -> String {
match output {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -358,7 +396,8 @@ fn main() -> anyhow::Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
Command::Set { key, value, file } => {
let mut toml = parse_file(file.as_ref())?;
let original = set_key(&mut toml, &key, &value)?;
let inner = value.inner;
let original = set_key(&mut toml, &key, &inner)?;
match file {
None => {
match args.format {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -427,13 +466,15 @@ mod tests {
.expect("test doc should be valid toml");

let key = Keyspec::from_str("testcases.hashes.color").expect("test key should be valid");
let item = set_key(&mut doc, &key, "taupe").expect("expected to find key 'hashes.color'");
let taupe = Value::from("taupe");
let item = set_key(&mut doc, &key, &taupe).expect("expected to find key 'hashes.color'");
assert_eq!("brown", format_item(&item, Format::Raw));
assert!(doc.to_string().contains("color = \"taupe\""));

let key =
Keyspec::from_str("testcases.hashes.mats[3]").expect("expected this key to be valid");
let item = set_key(&mut doc, &key, "bacon").expect("could not find this key");
let bacon = Value::from("bacon");
let item = set_key(&mut doc, &key, &bacon).expect("could not find this key");
assert_eq!("frying", format_item(&item, Format::Raw));
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -545,4 +586,115 @@ mod tests {
let formatted = format_toml(&item);
assert_eq!(formatted, r#"false"#);

fn tomlval_parser_handles_booleans() {
let quoted = r#""false""#;
let tval = TomlVal::from_str(quoted).expect("conversion should work");
match tval.inner {
Value::String(s) => {
assert_eq!(*s.value(), "false");
_ => {
eprintln!("{:?}", tval.inner);
assert!(false, "should have been a string");

let singlequoted = "'true'";
let tval = TomlVal::from_str(singlequoted).expect("conversion should work");
match tval.inner {
Value::String(s) => {
assert_eq!(*s.value(), "true");
_ => {
eprintln!("{:?}", tval.inner);
assert!(false, "should have been a string");

let unquoted = "false";
let tval2 = TomlVal::from_str(unquoted).expect("conversion should work");
match tval2.inner {
Value::Boolean(b) => {
assert_eq!(*b.value(), false);
_ => {
eprintln!("{:?}", tval2.inner);
assert!(false, "should have been a boolean");

fn tomlval_parser_handles_numbers() {
let quoted = r#""1""#;
let tval = TomlVal::from_str(quoted).expect("conversion should work");
match tval.inner {
Value::String(s) => {
assert_eq!(*s.value(), "1");
_ => {
eprintln!("{:?}", tval.inner);
assert!(false, "should have been a string");

let inty = "1";
let tval2 = TomlVal::from_str(inty).expect("conversion should work");
match tval2.inner {
Value::Integer(n) => {
assert_eq!(*n.value(), 1);
_ => {
eprintln!("{:?}", tval2.inner);
assert!(false, "should have been an integer");

let floaty = "1.5";
let floatyval = TomlVal::from_str(floaty).expect("conversion should work");
match floatyval.inner {
Value::Float(n) => {
assert_eq!(*n.value(), 1.5);
_ => {
eprintln!("{:?}", floatyval.inner);
assert!(false, "should have been an integer");

fn can_set_booleans() {
let toml = include_str!("../fixtures/sample.toml");
let mut doc = toml
.expect("test doc should be valid toml");

let key = Keyspec::from_str("testcases.are_passing").expect("test key should be valid");
let newval = Value::from(false);
let previous =
set_key(&mut doc, &key, &newval).expect("test fixture known to contain the test key");
let prevval = previous
.expect("the previous value should be a valid toml value");
match prevval {
Value::Boolean(b) => {
_ => panic!("fetched value was supposed to be a boolean!"),

let current = get_key(&mut doc, &key).expect("test fixture known to contain the test key");
let curval = current
.expect("the new value should be a valid toml value");
match curval {
Value::Boolean(b) => {
assert_eq!(*b.value(), false);
_ => panic!("fetched value was supposed to be a boolean!"),

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