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A package for generating synthetic vertical profiles of ocean properties using output from an ocean general circulation model.


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SynthPro is a python utility for generating synthetic versions of observed ocean temperature and salinity profiles using output from an ocean general circulation model. For each observed temperature and salinity profile, SynthPro extracts a model analog using a 'nearest-neighbour' algorithm. The default behaviour is for synthetic profiles to be vertically interpolated onto the same depth levels used by the observed profiles and masked accordingly. Alternatively, the user can specify that synthetic profiles are extracted over the full-depth of the model domain.

How to acknowledge this code

If you use data generated by SynthPro for a journal article, please cite the journal article and associated digital object identifier (DOI):


Full citation: Roberts, C. D., (2017): cdr30/SynthPro: SynthPro v1.0.0. doi:10.5281/zenodo.1036333.

Journal article: Allison, L. C., Roberts, C. D. et al. (2019). Towards quantifying uncertainty in ocean heat content changes using synthetic profiles. Environmental Research Letters, 14(8), 084037.

Using SynthPro

Required python libraries

SynthPro was developed using Python 2.7 and requires the installation of the following python libraries and their associated dependencies: numpy, netCDF4, ConfigParser, argparse, sys, shutil, os, unittest, and mpi4py (optional for running on multiple compute nodes).

Cloning the git repository

To retrieve a copy of the SynthPro source code and create a working directory, run the following on the command line:

> git clone [email protected]:cdr30/SynthPro.git


> git clone

Running SynthPro

SynthPro is invoked from the command line using the script. Executing this script without any arguments will return an error message that demonstrates the correct usage:

> python2.7 
usage: [-h] [-d DAY] month year namelist error: too few arguments

The day, month and year arguments are used only to create paths to the correct netcdf files containing observed profiles and model data. No checks are made at run time to ensure that the date and time information within each netcdf file matches the dates used in the file name. The day argument is optional, but month and year must be specified. The namelist argument is a path to an INI configuration file containing data paths and other options. An example namelist is available in the ./config subdirectory and an annotated version is described the section below. Example data files are available within the ./data subdirectory.

To ensure that SynthPro is installed correctly, run the following command and check you receive a Finished! message on the command line.

> python2.7 01 2010 config/namelist.ini

Running Synthpro in parallel using openMPI

SynthPro can also be run in a python environment that supports the openMPI framework. In this mode of operation, the model data is divided across a number of different compute nodes allowing SynthPro to be applied to very high-resolution model data without running out of memory. To enable this functionality, the namelist must be edited such that submit_parallel = True with nxcores and nycores specified such that their product is equal to the total number of nodes (NCORES) requesteed by openMPI. SynthPro can then be run from the command line as follows:

mpirun -n NCORES python2.7 01 2010 config/namelist.ini

Running tests

Automated testing is currently limited to the tools module that contains the fundamental functions for extracting and interpolating data. Unit tests are executed from within the main package directory using the following command:

> python2.7 -m unittest discover -b

Data formats

Observed profiles

Observational profiles must be provided in the netcdf format used by the EN4 database. Note that date and time information within the input file is ignored and SynthPro will attempt to extract synthetic versions of all observed profiles. If you are only interested in a limited number of profiles, this file should be pre-processed prior to running SynthPro.

Synthetic profiles

Synthetic profiles are returned in the same netcdf format as the observational data with an additional variable distance_to_ob describing the distance on a sphere between the observed latitude/longitude and the chosen model grid-point. Observed profiles that lie more than 2 degrees latitude/longitude from a valid model grid point are specified as missing data.

Model data

Model data must be provided in a netcdf format with the following variables and dimensions (variable names can be specied during configuration): temperature(z, y, x), salinity(z, y, x), latitude(y, x), longitude(y, x), depth(z). Latitude and longitude are specifed as two-dimensional fields to support models with irregular horizontal grids (e.g. NEMO).

Configuring a namelist.ini file

This section provides an annotated examples of a SynthPro namelist congiguration file.

dir = ./data/                                             ### Directory containing observed profile data.
fpattern = EN.4.1.1.f.profiles.g10.${YYYY}${MM}${DD}.nc   ### File names must match this pattern. 
data_type = EN4                                           ### Profile type - only EN4 is supported. 
temp_var = POTM_CORRECTED                                 ### Netcdf variable name for temperature profiles.
sal_var = PSAL_CORRECTED                                  ### Netcdf variable name for salinity profiles.
depth_var = DEPH_CORRECTED                                ### Netcdf variable name for profile depths.
lat_var = LATITUDE                                        ### Netcdf variable name for profile latitudes.
lon_var = LONGITUDE                                       ### Netcdf variable name for profile longitudes.
dir = ./data/                                                  ### Directory to save synthetic profile data.
fpattern = EN.4.1.1.f.profiles.synthetic.${YYYY}${MM}${DD}.nc  ### File pattern for synthetic profile data.
data_type = EN4                                                ### Profile type - only EN4 is supported.
temp_var = POTM_CORRECTED                                      ### Netcdf variable name for temperature profiles.
sal_var = PSAL_CORRECTED                                       ### Netcdf variable name for salinity profiles.
depth_var = DEPH_CORRECTED                                     ### Netcdf variable name for profile depths.
lat_var = LATITUDE                                             ### Netcdf variable name for profile latitudes.
lon_var = LONGITUDE                                            ### Netcdf variable name for profile longitudes.
dir = ./data/                                                  ### Directory containing model data.
fpattern = ${YYYY}${MM}${DD}      ### File pattern for model data. 
maskf = ./data/                                        ### File containing 3D land mask for model data.
model_type = NEMO                                              ### Model type - NEMO should work with other models. 
data_var = votemper                                            ### Netcdf variable name for data .
depth_var = deptht                                             ### Netcdf variable name for depth.
lat_var = nav_lat                                              ### Netcdf variable name for latitude.
lon_var = nav_lon                                              ### Netcdf variable name for longitude.
mask_var = tmask                                               ### Netcdf variable name for data land mask.
mask_mdi = 0                                                   ### Missing data indicator value for land mask.
imin = 0                                                       ### Minimum i-index (to extract sub-region).
imax = 1441                                                    ### Maximum i-index (to extract sub-region).
jmin = 0                                                       ### Minimum j-index (to extract sub-region). 
jmax = 1020                                                    ### Maximum j-index (to extract sub-region). 
dir = ./data/                                                  ### Directory containing model data.
fpattern = ${YYYY}${MM}${DD}      ### File pattern for model data. 
maskf = ./data/                                        ### File containing 3D land mask for model data.
model_type = NEMO                                              ### Model type - NEMO should work with other models. 
data_var = vosaline                                            ### Netcdf variable name for data .
depth_var = deptht                                             ### Netcdf variable name for depth.
lat_var = nav_lat                                              ### Netcdf variable name for latitude.
lon_var = nav_lon                                              ### Netcdf variable name for longitude.
mask_var = tmask                                               ### Netcdf variable name for data land mask.
mask_mdi = 0                                                   ### Missing data indicator value for land mask.
imin = 0                                                       ### Minimum i-index (to extract sub-region).
imax = 1441                                                    ### Maximum i-index (to extract sub-region).
jmin = 0                                                       ### Minimum j-index (to extract sub-region). 
jmax = 1020                                                    ### Maximum j-index (to extract sub-region). 
submit_parallel = False          # Boolean flag used to enable parallel jobs using openMPI
nxcores = 2                      # Number of compute nodes used to decompose model grid along x axis.
nycores = 2                      # Number of compute nodes used to decompose model grid along y axis.
use_daily_data  = False          # Boolean flag used to specify use of daily data.
extract_full_depth = False       # Boolean flag used to specify extraction of full-depth profiles.  
print_stdout = True              # Boolean flag used to enable/suppress messages to standard output.


A package for generating synthetic vertical profiles of ocean properties using output from an ocean general circulation model.







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