- Apple II with E-Z Color Graphics Interface, Super Sprite, Third Millenium Arcade, or AppleTi boards
- BBC with Logotron Sprite Board
- BBC Bridge Companion with modifications to enable full 16k VRAM access
- Bit90 computer
- Frael Bruc 100 computer loading from cassette.
- Colecovision and Coleco Adam using a cartridge or Adam Digital Data Pack
- VTech Creativision computers, including Dick Smith Wizzard, Salora Manager, and VTech Laser 2001
- Einstein TC-01 and 256
- Forte arcade board.
- hbc-56 homebrew computer.
- Sord M5
- MSX1 computer
- Memotech MTX computer.
- Nichibutsu My Vision game system.
- Hanimex Pencil II computer
- Casio PV-2000 computer
- Sega SG-1000 and Othello Multivision game systems and SC-3000 and SF-7000 computers
- Spectravideo 318 and 328 computers
- Texas Instruments TI-99/4a computer
- Tomy Tutor and Pyūta (ぴゅう太) computers
- PK8000 computer and Photon arcade system
- PK8002 computer
- Dragon 32/64 and Tandy Color Computer with Premier Microsystems Sprites, WordPak 2+, or Super Sprite FM+ addons
- Potten's Poker arcade/gambling machine
- NABU PC using the NABU internet adapter
Systems with a bold name were tested using actual hardware with a cartridge, disk, and/or cassette.
Visual Studio Code projects are also included in each directory. There are a few parts that are Windows specific.