timeago-react is a simple react component used to format date with
*** time ago
statement. eg: '3 hours ago'.
The component based on timeago.js which is a simple javascript module.
- Realtime render. Automatic release the resources.
- Simple. Only 2kb.
- Efficient. When the time is
3 hour ago
, the interval will an hour (3600 * 1000 ms). - Locales supported.
npm install timeago-react
import React from 'react';
import TimeAgo from 'timeago-react'; // var TimeAgo = require('timeago-react');
datetime={'2016-08-08 08:08:08'}
locale='zh_CN' />
(required, string / Date / timestamp)
The datetime to be formated. can be datetime string
, Date instance
, or timestamp
(optional, boolean)
Live render, default is true
(optional, string)
The class
of span. you can setting the css style of span by class name.
(optional, string)
The locale
language of statement, default is en
. All supported locales here. If you want to use locale which is not zh_CN
/ en
, you should import the locale before use it. As below:
import React from 'react';
import TimeAgo from 'timeago-react';
import timeago from 'timeago.js';
// import it first.
timeago.register('vi', require('timeago.js/locales/vi'));
// then use it.
datetime={'2016-08-08 08:08:08'}
locale='vi' />
(optional, object)
The style
object to applied to the root element.
Props not documented above are applied to the root element.