LogicSage: The GPT app Apple platforms. (iPadOS, and iOS and more platforms soon!) - on the AppStore for free now!
EZ as LogicSage 1.2.3
LogicSage (1.2.3): The GPT app for Apple platforms. (iPadOS, and iOS and more platforms soon) On the AppStore for free now!
What's New:
- Copy Code from GPT responses with the new Copy Code button! (Longpress to copy code!)
- Redesigned UI for easier use including a Tab bar for Chats, Windows, Settings, and Add Menu.
- iPadOS pointer interaction brings full immersion to your chats! For the multi-taskers!
- iOS 14+ support added.
- Bugs squashed. Keyboard handling improved.
https://discord.gg/KvjxupEB9 Join LogicSage discord for help setting up, ideas, and to track development of the LogicSage app. I'll share roadmap, etc.
LogicSage (1.2.2): The GPT app for iPadOS (and iOS) on the AppStore for free now!
Created by: Chris Dillard (c_h_r_i_s_b_d_i_l_l_a_r_d_@_g_m_a_i_l.com) w/ underscores removed.
- With a little help from my GPT🤖. Thank you, OpenAI!
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/cdillard/LogicSage.git
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd LogicSage
- Follow the Installation and Configuration steps below.
. -
Change to your Development Code Signing info.
.`- Optional for customizable bgs: Run
to copy your existing Mac OS Desktops to the SwiftyGPTWorkspace. This is where LogicSage will grab your desired wallpaper backgrounds from.
- Optional for customizable bgs: Run
from within LogicSage folder root to run the Swift Sage Server and Swifty-GPT server binary.- Now you might be able to use
for subsequent runs of th Swifty-GPT server. YAY.
- Now you might be able to use
Optional steps:
Run ./copy_wallpapers.sh
to copy your existing Mac OS Desktops to the SwiftyGPTWorkspace. This is where LogicSage will grab your desired wallpaper backgrounds from.
WANT EVEN MORE BACKGROUNDS: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/project-complete-collection-of-mac-os-wallpapers-updated.2036834/ download and unzip this bad boy to the ~/SwiftyGPTWorkspace/Wallpaper
Search the internet for "4K Wallapaper zip + Space" replacing Space with whatever type of background you want. Download the heic, jpeg, jpg, and png images you'd like to use as wallpapers.
// For iOS Simulator viewing, Check for screen recording permission, make sure your Terminal.app or iTerm2.app has screen recording permission
If you don't have Homebrew and Ruby installed, follow these steps:
- Install Homebrew by running:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
- Install Ruby by running:
brew install ruby
- Install XcodeGen:
brew install xcodegen
- Install Xcodeproj:
gem install xcodeproj
- SwiftWhisper
- SwiftyTesseract
- OpenAI GPT-4, GPT-3.5 turbo APIs
- AudioKit
- SwiftSoup
- SourceKitten
- Starscream
- Vapor
- SourceEditor
- savannakit
- Sourceful
- zip-foundation
- MacPaw's excellent OpenAI
- swift-png
- nonstrict-hq ScreenCaptureKit-Recording-example
- KeyboardAvoidanceSwiftUI
- awesome-chatgpt-prompts
Thanks to Mike Bruin for keeping the Plist safe.
Unlocking the Power of the Future: Exploring the Intersection of Mobile and Artificial General Intelligence Programming. In this project, an expert in the field of mobile technology works on ways in which these two fields are converging and changing the way we interact with technology.
DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for any issues (legal or otherwise) that may arise from using the code in this repository. This is an experimental project, and I cannot guarantee its contents.
Please view the old README for some more fun. README_OLD.md.