GOCompare can be installed as follows
#Alternative: GitHub
A full list of libraries needed for the package is included below.
Dependencies: R (>= 4.0.0)
Imports: base, utils, methods, stats, grDevices, ape, vegan, ggplot2, ggrepel, igraph, parallel, stringr
Suggests: testthat
This R package provides six functions to provide a simple workflow to compare results of functional enrichment analysis:
mostFrequentGOs. graphGOspecies
are designed to provide analysis for one species. -
compareGOspecies graph_two_GOspecies evaluateCAT_species evaluateGO_species
allow compare two species GO terms list belonging to the categories needed by the user. -
Finally, a set of four datasets for test are provided in the package:
A_thaliana, A_thaliana_compress, H_sapiens, H_sapiens_compress, comparison_example
Functional enrichment analyses results
As main inputs, you will need two dataframes with the results of functional enrichment analysis from ypur favorite resource such as: BinGO, AmiGO, ShinnyGO or TopGO. Each file must have this structure:
of results from a functional enrichment analysis with a column with the GO terms to be analyzed and a column with the category to be compared -
Depending of the function you will need to specify the species name: species1 = "H_sapiens" and species2 = "A_thaliana"
A field with the column name where your GO terms to analyzed are present must be provided (e.g: GOterm_field <- "Functional_Category")
Functional_Category | feature |
Response to stress | AID |
Defense response | AID |
Regulation of cell size | AID |
Defense response | AIM |
Response to external biotic stimulus | DCE |
- An example of how to use this package is provided below (We will compare cancer genes for 10 hallmarks associated to carcinogenesis process and their possible orthologues in D. melanogaster as an example. Please use an accurate program or platform to obtain orthologue genes. In this case we provide an example using the
function of gprofiler2 R package. - An alternative function to reduce redundant GO terms is provided here https://github.com/ccsosa/reducereduntGO/. The example here provided with the reducereduntGO.R is provided in the file https://github.com/ccsosa/reducereduntGO/blob/master/Cancer_hallmark_reduce_terms.R
- A plot function for the undirected graph for the GOCompare::graph_two_GOspecies categories option is available at https://github.com/ccsosa/Supplementary-information/blob/main/CHAPTER1/PLOT_TWO_SP_GRAPH_CAT.R
- A plot function for the undirected graph for the GOCompare::graph_two_GOspecies GO option is available at https://github.com/ccsosa/Supplementary-information/blob/main/CHAPTER1/PLOT_TWO_SP_GRAPH_GO.R
- (Please add a directory and the graph input from GOCompare, these functions will save pdf files named (CAT_TWO.pdf and GO_TWO.pdf respectively). Charge them using the source function and the URLs:
- source("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ccsosa/Supplementary-information/refs/heads/main/CHAPTER3/PLOT_TWO_SP_GRAPH_CAT.R")
- source("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ccsosa/Supplementary-information/refs/heads/main/CHAPTER3/PLOT_TWO_SP_GRAPH_GO.R")
url_file = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ccsosa/R_Examples/master/Hallmarks_of_Cancer_AT.csv"
x <- read.csv(url_file)
x[,1] <- NULL
CH <- c("AID","AIM","DCE","ERI","EGS","GIM","IA","RCD","SPS","TPI")
x_Hsap <- lapply(seq_len(length(CH)), function(i){
x_unique <- unique(na.omit(x[,i]))
x_unique <- x_unique[which(x_unique!="")]
x_unique <- as.list(x_unique)
names(x_Hsap) <- CH
#Using as background the unique genes for the ten CH.
GOterm_field <- "term_name"
x_s <- gprofiler2::gost(query = x_Hsap,
organism = "hsapiens", ordered_query = FALSE,
multi_query = FALSE, significant = TRUE, exclude_iea = FALSE,
measure_underrepresentation = FALSE, evcodes = FALSE,
user_threshold = 0.05, correction_method = "g_SCS",
domain_scope = "annotated", custom_bg = unique(unlist(x_Hsap)),
numeric_ns = "", sources = "GO:BP", as_short_link = FALSE)
colnames(x_s$result)[1] <- "feature"
#Check number of enriched terms per category
#Running function to get graph of a list of features and GO terms
x <- graphGOspecies(df=x_s$result,
option = "Categories",
outdir = NULL,
# visualize nodes
#Get nodes with values greater than 95%
perc <- x$nodes[which(x$nodes$WEIGHT > quantile(x$nodes$WEIGHT,probs = 0.95)),]
# visualize nodes filtered
#Running function to get graph of a list of GO terms and categories
x_GO <- graphGOspecies(df=x_s$result,
option = "GO",
outdir = NULL,
# visualize nodes
#Get GO terms nodes with values greater than 95%
perc_GO <- x_GO$nodes[which(x_GO$nodes$GO_WEIGHT > quantile(x_GO$nodes$GO_WEIGHT,probs = 0.95)),]
# visualize GO terms nodes filtered
#two species comparison assuming they are the same genes in Drosophila melanogaster
orth_genes <- gprofiler2::gorth(query=unique(unlist(x_Hsap)),source_organism = "hsapiens",target_organism = "dmelanogaster")
#assigning genes
x_Dmap <- list()
for(i in 1:length(x_Hsap)){
D_list <- list()
for(j in 1:length(x_Hsap[[i]])){
x_orth <- orth_genes[orth_genes$input==x_Hsap[[i]][j],]
D_list[[j]] <- data.frame(orth=x_orth$ortholog_name)
} else {
D_list[[j]] <- NULL
D_list <- unique(do.call(rbind,D_list))
D_list <- D_list[which(!is.null(D_list))]
x_Dmap[[i]] <- D_list
names(x_Dmap) <- CH
GOterm_field <- "term_name"
x_s2 <- gprofiler2::gost(query = x_Dmap,
organism = "dmelanogaster", ordered_query = FALSE,
multi_query = FALSE, significant = TRUE, exclude_iea = FALSE,
measure_underrepresentation = FALSE, evcodes = FALSE,
user_threshold = 0.05, correction_method = "g_SCS",
domain_scope = "annotated", custom_bg = unique(unlist(x_Dmap)),
numeric_ns = "", sources = "GO:BP", as_short_link = FALSE)
colnames(x_s2$result)[1] <- "feature"
#preparing input for compare two species
x_input <- GOCompare::compareGOspecies(x_s$result,x_s2$result,GOterm_field,species1 = "H. sapiens",species2 = "D. melanogaster",paired_lists = T)
#try to test similarities using clustering
plot(hclust(x_input$distance,method = "ward.D"))
#Comparing species results
comp_species_graph <- GOCompare::graph_two_GOspecies(x_input,species1 = "H. sapiens",species2 = "D. melanogaster",option = "Categories")
#View nodes order by combined weight (SPS and GIM categories have more frequent GO terms co-occurring)
View(comp_species_graph$nodes[order(comp_species_graph$nodes$COMBINED_WEIGHT,decreasing = T),])
comp_species_graph_GO <- GOCompare::graph_two_GOspecies(x_input,species1 = "H. sapiens",species2 = "D. melanogaster",option = "GO")
#Get GO terms nodes with values greater than 95%
perc_GO_two <- comp_species_graph_GO$nodes[which(comp_species_graph_GO$nodes$GO_WEIGHT > quantile(comp_species_graph_GO$nodes$GO_WEIGHT,probs = 0.95)),]
# visualize GO terms nodes filtered and ordered (more frequent GO terms in both species and categories)
View(perc_GO_two[order(perc_GO_two$GO_WEIGHT,decreasing = T),])
#evaluating if there are different in proportions of GO terms for each category
x_CAT <- GOCompare::evaluateCAT_species(x_s$result,x_s2$result,species1 = "H. sapiens",species2 = "D. melanogaster",GOterm_field = "term_name",test = "prop")
x_CAT <- x_CAT[which(x_CAT$FDR<=0.05),]
#View Categories with FDR <0.05 (RCD,SPS,GIM, AIM,ERI,DCE)
#evaluating if there are different in proportions of categories for GO terms
x_GO <- GOCompare::evaluateGO_species(x_s$result,x_s2$result,species1 = "H. sapiens",species2 = "D. melanogaster",GOterm_field = "term_name",test = "prop")
x_GO <- x_GO[which(x_GO$FDR<=0.05),]
#View Categories with FDR <0.05 (No significant results in proportions)
##Optional plots (omit # symbol and run)
Main:Chrystian C. Sosa, Diana Carolina Clavijo-Buriticá, Mauricio Quimbaya, Victor Hugo García-Merchán
Other contributors: Nicolas Lopéz-Rozo, Camila Riccio Rengifo, David Arango Londoño, Maria Victoria Diaz
Sosa, Chrystian C., Diana Carolina Clavijo-Buriticá, Victor Hugo García-Merchán, Nicolas López-Rozo, Camila Riccio-Rengifo, Maria Victoria Diaz, David Arango Londoño, y Mauricio Alberto Quimbaya. «GOCompare: An R Package to Compare Functional Enrichment Analysis between Two Species». Genomics 115, n.º 1 (January 2023): 110528. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ygeno.2022.110528.