I have just completed a 13-week intensive full-stack software engineering bootcamp to transition into a career in technology after graduating from a Music degree. I wish to leverage my skills from my bootcamp and degree to create a positive difference to society with technology.
On the bootcamp I am learning a spectrum of technologies like Java, Spring, JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS, PostgreSQL along with software engineering best practices such as TDD and Agile methodologies.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on projects that make positive changes to people’s lives
🤝 I’m looking for help with navigating and breaking into the tech industry to land my first developer role.
🔭 I’m currently working on building a Meal Planner app alongside the bootcamp to consolidate my learning
🌱 I’m currently learning Spring Boot and React to build full stack applications consolidating learning whilst searching for junior developer roles after my bootcamp
💬 Ask me about my journey and transition to tech
⚡ Fun fact: I love cooking in my spare time and make a great lemon and mushroom risotto!