This module sets up everything necessary for dynamically setting hostnames following a certain pattern on instances spawned by Auto Scaling Groups
Create an ASG and set the asg:hostname_pattern
tag for example like this:
Could be interpolated in Terraform like this:
tag {
key = "asg:hostname_pattern"
value = "${var.hostname_prefix}.${var.internal_domain}@${var.internal_zone_id}"
propagate_at_launch = true
Once you have your ASG set up, you can just invoke this module and point it to it:
module "clever_name_autoscale_dns" {
source = "../../"
autoscale_update_name = "clever_name"
autoscale_group_names = "${}"
autoscale_route53zone_arn = "${var.zone_to_manage_records_in}"
The module sets up the following
- A SNS topic
- A Lambda function
- A topic subscription sending SNS events to the Lambda function
The Lambda function then does the following:
- Fetch the
tag value from the ASG, and parse out the hostname and Route53 zone ID from it. - If it's a instance being created
- Fetch internal IP from EC2 API
- Create a Route53 record by adding 2 digits afret the ${var.hostname_prefix} part, pointing the hostname to the IP
- Set the Name tag of the instance to the initial part of the generated hostname
- If it's an instance being deleted
- Fetch the internal IP from the existing record from the Route53 API
- Delete the record
Add initial_lifecycle_hook
definitions to your aws_autoscaling_group resource
, like so:
resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "my_asg" {
name = "myASG"
vpc_zone_identifier = [
min_size = "${var.asg_min_count}"
max_size = "${var.asg_max_count}"
desired_capacity = "${var.asg_desired_count}"
health_check_type = "EC2"
health_check_grace_period = 300
force_delete = false
launch_configuration = "${}"
lifecycle {
create_before_destroy = true
initial_lifecycle_hook {
name = "lifecycle-launching"
default_result = "ABANDON"
heartbeat_timeout = 60
lifecycle_transition = "autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCHING"
notification_target_arn = "${module.autoscale_dns.autoscale_handling_sns_topic_arn}"
role_arn = "${module.autoscale_dns.agent_lifecycle_iam_role_arn}"
initial_lifecycle_hook {
name = "lifecycle-terminating"
default_result = "ABANDON"
heartbeat_timeout = 60
lifecycle_transition = "autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATING"
notification_target_arn = "${module.autoscale_dns.autoscale_handling_sns_topic_arn}"
role_arn = "${module.autoscale_dns.agent_lifecycle_iam_role_arn}"
tag {
key = "asg:hostname_pattern"
value = "${var.hostname_prefix}.${var.internal_domain}@${var.internal_zone_id}"
propagate_at_launch = true
module "autoscale_dns" {
source = ""
autoscale_update_name = "my_asg_handler"
autoscale_route53zone_arn = "${var.internal_zone_id}"
vpc_name = "${var.vpc_name}"
Lifecycle_hook can have CONTINUE
as default_result. By setting default_result to ABANDON
will terminate the instance if the lambda function fails to update the DNS record as required. Complete_lifecycle_action
in lambda function returns LifecycleActionResult
on success to Lifecycle_hook. But if lambda function fails, Lifecycle_hook doesn't get any response from Complete_lifecycle_action
which results in timeout and terminates the instance.
At the conclusion of a lifecycle hook, the result is either ABANDON or CONTINUE. If the instance is launching, CONTINUE indicates that your actions were successful, and that the instance can be put into service. Otherwise, ABANDON indicates that your custom actions were unsuccessful, and that the instance can be terminated.
If the instance is terminating, both ABANDON and CONTINUE allow the instance to terminate. However, ABANDON stops any remaining actions, such as other lifecycle hooks, while CONTINUE allows any other lifecycle hooks to complete.
- Reverse lookup records?