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Releases: casual-simulation/casualos


09 Sep 20:19
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πŸš€ Improvements

  • Improved os.registerTagPrefix(prefix, options?) to accept a name property in the options object that will be used as a hint for the user.
  • Added support for Vector and Rotation values for many tags. The following tags have been added as alternatives to using multiple tags to contain 3D information:
    • cameraPosition replaces cameraPositionX, cameraPositionY, and cameraPositionZ.
    • cameraRotation replaces cameraRotationX, cameraRotationY, and cameraRotationZ.
    • cameraFocus replaces cameraFocusX, cameraFocusY, and cameraFocusZ.
    • cameraPositionOffset replaces cameraPositionOffsetX, cameraPositionOffsetY, and cameraPositionOffsetZ.
    • cameraRotationOffset replaces cameraRotationOffsetX, cameraRotationOffsetY, and cameraRotationOffsetZ.
    • deviceRotation replaces deviceRotationX, deviceRotationY, and deviceRotationZ.
    • portalPannableMin replaces portalPannableMinX and portalPannableMinY.
    • portalPannableMax replaces portalPannableMaxX and portalPannableMaxY.
    • pointerPixel replaces pointerPixelX and pointerPixelY.
    • mousePointerPosition replaces mousePointerPositionX, mousePointerPositionY, and mousePointerPositionZ.
    • mousePointerRotation replaces mousePointerRotationX, mousePointerRotationY, and mousePointerRotationZ.
    • leftPointerPosition replaces leftPointerPositionX, leftPointerPositionY, and leftPointerPositionZ.
    • leftPointerRotation replaces leftPointerRotationX, leftPointerRotationY, and leftPointerRotationZ.
    • rightPointerPosition replaces rightPointerPositionX, rightPointerPositionY, and rightPointerPositionZ.
    • rightPointerRotation replaces rightPointerRotationX, rightPointerRotationY, and rightPointerRotationZ.
    • cursorHotspot replaces cursorHotspotX and cursorHotspotY.
    • portalCursorHotspot replaces portalCursorHotspotX and portalCursorHotspotY.
  • Added the os.requestWakeLock(), os.disableWakeLock(), and os.getWakeLockConfiguration() functions.
    • os.requestWakeLock() asks the user for the ability to keep the screen awake, and if they accept will enable a wake lock that will keep the screen on. Returns a promise that resolves once the wake lock has been granted.
    • os.disableWakeLock() disables the wake lock and allows the computer to sleep. Returns a promise that resolves once the wake lock has been disabled.
    • os.getWakeLockConfiguration() gets the current wake lock status. Returns a promise that resolves with the wake lock information.
  • Improved math.intersectPlane() to accept two additional optional parameters which represent the normal and origin of the plane that the ray should be intersected with.
    • The new function definition is math.intersectPlane(origin, direction, planeNormal?, planeDirection).
      • planeNormal is optional and is the normal vector that the plane should use. It defaults to ➑️0,0,1.
      • planeDirection is optional and is the 3D position that the center of the plane should travel through. It defaults to ➑️0,0,0.

πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where keys reported in onKeyUp and onKeyDown could be specified in the incorrect order.


06 Sep 16:53
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πŸš€ Improvements

  • Added the codeButton form.
    • When the bot is placed in a tag dimension (dimension of the form {botID}.{tag}) and its form is set to codeButton, then it will appear in the multi-line code editor for that tag as a clickable text element.
    • As such, in order for the button to appear, the bot also needs a label tag.
    • The button can be positioned by line number by using the [dimension]Start tag, and the [dimension]End tag can be used to specify the priority that the button should have compared to other buttons on the same line (higher numbers means lower priority).
    • When clicked, the button will receive an @onClick whisper.
  • Added the formRenderOrder tag.
    • This tag sets the render order that should be used for a bot in the grid portals.
    • Setting this property to a value other than 0 overrides the automatically calculated render order which is based on the distance of each bot to the portal camera.
    • It is not recommended to use this tag unless you are dealing with transparency issues caused by overlapping PNG images.


02 Sep 17:00
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πŸš€ Improvements

  • Added the os.createInitializationUpdate(bots) and os.applyUpdatesToInst(update) functions.
    • os.createInitializationUpdate(bots) creates updates that can be used to ensure that an inst is initialized with a specific set of bots. This function is useful for encoding initialization logic that should only be performed in an inst once.
      • bots - The list of bots that should be included in the update.
    • os.applyUpdatesToInst(updates) applies the given list of updates to the current inst.
      • updates - The list of updates that should be applied to the inst.
  • Improved custom apps to support SVG elements.

πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where billboarded bots would display incorrectly when they were parented under a rotated dimension or transformer.


31 Aug 01:19
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πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where deleting a GLTF would cause the gridPortal to stop working.


30 Aug 22:39
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πŸš€ Improvements

  • Added the ability to use your fingers to click bots in VR/AR.
    • Any device that supports the WebXR Hand input module should work.
    • Tested with the Oculus Quest 2.
  • Added the keyboard form.
    • This creates a virtual keyboard that the user can interact with.
    • Clicking keys on the keyboard sends a @onKeyClick whisper to the bot.
  • Improved the system portal diff tab to set the editingBot, editingTag, and editingTagSpace tags on the configBot.
  • Added the os.startFormAnimation(bot, animationName, options?), os.stopFormAnimation(bot, options?), os.listFormAnimations(botOrAddress), and os.bufferFormAddressGLTF(address) functions.
    • os.startFormAnimation(bot, animationName, options?) is used to trigger an animation on the given bot. Returns a promise that resolves when the animation has started. It accepts the following parameters:
      • bot - The bot or list of bots that the animation should be triggered on.
      • animationName - The name or index of the animation that should be started.
      • options - The additional parameters that should be used for the animation. Optional. It should be an object with the following properties:
        • startTime - The time that the animation should start playing. It should be the number of miliseconds since the Unix Epoch.
        • initialTime - The time within the animation clip that the animation should start at in miliseconds.
        • timeScale - The rate at which the animation plays.
        • loop - Options for looping. It should be an object with the following properties:
          • mode - How the animation should loop. It should be either repeat or pingPong.
          • count - The number of times that the animation should loop.
        • clampWhenFinished - Whether the final animation values should be preserved when the animation finishes.
        • crossFadeDuration - The number of miliseconds that the animation should take to cross fade from the previous animation.
        • fadeDuration - The number of miliseconds that the animation should take to fade in.
        • animationAddress - The address that the animations should be loaded from.
    • os.stopFormAnimation(bot, options?) is used to stop animations on the given bot. Returns a promise that resolves when the animation has stopped. It accepts the following parameters:
      • bot - The bot or list of bots that animations should be stopped on.
      • options - The options that should be used to stop the animations. Optional. It should be an object with the following properties:
        • stopTime - The time that the animation should stop playing. It should be the number of miliseconds since the Unix Epoch.
        • fadeDuration - The number of miliseconds that the animation should take to fade out.
    • os.listFormAnimations(botOrAddress) is used to retrieve the list of animations that are available on a form. Returns a promise that resolves with the animation list. It accepts the following parameters:
      • botOrAddress - The bot or address that the animation list should be retrieved for.
    • os.bufferFormAddressGLTF(address) is used to pre-cache the given address as a GLTF mesh for future use. Returns a promise that resolves when the address has been buffered. It accepts the following parameters:
      • address - The address that should be loaded.
  • Added several listeners that can be used to observe animation changes on bots.
    • Currently, they are only sent for animations that are started via os.startFormAnimation(). Animations that are triggered via the #formAnimation tag or experiment.localFormAnimation() are not supported.
    • @onFormAnimationStarted and @onAnyFormAnimationStarted are sent when an animation has been started.
    • @onFormAnimationStopped and @onAnyFormAnimationStopped are sent when an animation has been manually stopped.
    • @onFormAnimationFinished and @onAnyFormAnimationFinished are sent when an animation finishes playing.
    • @onFormAnimationLooped and @onAnyFormAnimationLooped are sent when an animation restarts per the looping rules that were given in the options object.
  • Added support for the scrollTop and offsetHeight properties for <section> elements.
  • Added the @onDocumentAvailable listener.
    • @onDocumentAvailable is a shout that is sent once globalThis.document is first available for scripts to use.
    • Because of this feature, scripts can now interact with custom apps via globalThis.document instead of os.registerApp() and os.compileApp().
    • This feature still uses a separate document instances for os.registerApp(), so changes to globalThis.document will not conflict with any other custom apps.
  • Added the Preact render() function to os.appHooks.
  • Improved tooltips to always render entirely on screen. This can help in scenarios where the tooltip should be shown close to the edge of the screen.

πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where cursor bots would not update in the multiline editor unless no bots changed for 75ms.
  • Fixed an issue where cursor bots would be duplicated if the user closed the portal that contained the multiline editor and then opened it again.
  • Fixed an issue where images that were loaded via custom apps would later fail to load as a formAddress.
  • Fixed an issue where floating labels did not work on bots that were transformed by another bot.
  • Fixed an issue where tooltips that had multiple words would always word wrap. Now, they will only word wrap if wider than 200px.


11 Aug 19:44
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πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that would allow browsers to cache certain HTML files when they should not.
  • Fixed an issue where subjectless keys would not work with the new auth system.
  • Fixed an issue where the background for floating labels would not match the label if the bot was rotated.


09 Aug 23:10
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πŸ’₯ Breaking Changes

  • Changed uploads to PDF files to upload the binary data of the PDF instead of automatically converting it to UTF-8.
    • This affects both os.showUploadFiles() and @onFileUpload.

πŸš€ Improvements

  • Switched PublicOS from to a custom auth implementation that gives us more flexibility around how we manage user accounts.
    • This is purely an implementation detail, and should not affect any PublicOS/CasualOS features.
  • Added the ability to see active PublicOS authentication sessions, when they were granted, and what IP Address they were granted to.
  • Improved Custom HTML Apps to copy the following properties from specific element types when an event (like onLoad) happens:
    • <img> - The following properties are copied:
      • width
      • height
      • naturalWidth
      • naturalHeight
      • currentSrc
    • <video> - The following properties are copied:
      • videoWidth
      • videoHeight
      • duration
      • currentSrc
  • Moved the "Exit to Grid Portal" button in the system portal from the lower right corner to the lower left corner.
  • Improved the systemPortal to support global search by exact matches for #id and #space.
  • Improved the systemPortal to support comparing systems of bots against each other.
    • This works by comparing two separate system tags. The first tag is #system (or whatever is specified by #systemPortalTag on the config bot) and the second tag is specified by the #systemPortalDiff on the config bot.
    • For example, if the #systemPortal is set to custom and the #systemPortalDiff tag is set to system2, then bots that contain custom in their #system tag will be compared against bots that match using their #system2 tag.
    • The result is useful for creating visualizations of change for system bots.
    • See the documentation for more information.
    • Also check out the example:
  • Added the os.appHooks property that contains hook functions.
    • Hook functions make managing custom app states easier and less tedious.

πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where entering an invalid value into an input box in a custom app would cause the input box to be automatically cleared.
  • Fixed an issue where the base color on GLTF models would be overridden with white if no color tag was specified.
  • Fixed an issue where self-closing JSX elements that contained attributes would not be compiled correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where the meetPortal could fail to start if the meet portal properties were changed before it finished loading external scripts.
  • Fixed how progress bars position themselves to better match how labels position themselves.
  • Fixed an issue where custom app elements did not support CSS Style properties that started with a hyphen (-).


18 Jul 15:19
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πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where calling os.focusOn() for the mapPortal before the portal has finished loading would cause the camera to focus on an incorrect location.
  • Fixed an issue where labels would fail to show up on billboarded bots that are directly below or above the portal camera.
  • Fixed an issue where hex bot forms were positioned incorrectly.


06 Jul 20:59
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πŸš€ Improvements

  • Added the uv property to @onClick, @onAnyBotClicked, @onDrag, and @onAnyBotDrag shouts.
    • This property contains the UV Coordinates of the texture on the clicked bot that the user clicked.
    • UV coordinates are a 2D vector representing the X and Y location on the texture (i.e. formAddress) on the bot that was clicked.
    • UV coordinates are mapped as follows:
      • Bottom left of the texture is: (0, 0)
      • Bottom right is: (1, 0)
      • Top left is: (0, 1)
      • Top right is: (1, 1)
  • Added the os.raycast(portal, origin, direction) and os.raycastFromCamera(portal, viewportPosition) functions.
    • These functions are useful for finding what bots a particular ray would hit. For example, you could query what bots are under a particular spot of the screen with os.raycastFromCamera().
    • Currently, the grid, miniGrid, map and miniMap portals are supported.
    • See the documentation for more information and examples.
  • Added the os.calculateRayFromCamera(portal, viewportPosition) function.
    • This function is useful for finding the 3D path (ray) that travels through a particular screen position of the specified portal's camera.
    • Currently, the grid, miniGrid, map and miniMap portals are supported.
    • See the documentation for more information and examples.
  • Improved os.getPublicRecordKey() to return an errorReason for failed requests.

πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • Fixed lineStyle = wall to support the coordinate system changes from v3.0.11.


21 Jun 20:33
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πŸš€ Improvements

  • Improved the login system to record user's email/phone number so that we can migrate off of in the future.