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@github-actions github-actions released this 30 Aug 22:39
· 3807 commits to develop since this release

πŸš€ Improvements

  • Added the ability to use your fingers to click bots in VR/AR.
    • Any device that supports the WebXR Hand input module should work.
    • Tested with the Oculus Quest 2.
  • Added the keyboard form.
    • This creates a virtual keyboard that the user can interact with.
    • Clicking keys on the keyboard sends a @onKeyClick whisper to the bot.
  • Improved the system portal diff tab to set the editingBot, editingTag, and editingTagSpace tags on the configBot.
  • Added the os.startFormAnimation(bot, animationName, options?), os.stopFormAnimation(bot, options?), os.listFormAnimations(botOrAddress), and os.bufferFormAddressGLTF(address) functions.
    • os.startFormAnimation(bot, animationName, options?) is used to trigger an animation on the given bot. Returns a promise that resolves when the animation has started. It accepts the following parameters:
      • bot - The bot or list of bots that the animation should be triggered on.
      • animationName - The name or index of the animation that should be started.
      • options - The additional parameters that should be used for the animation. Optional. It should be an object with the following properties:
        • startTime - The time that the animation should start playing. It should be the number of miliseconds since the Unix Epoch.
        • initialTime - The time within the animation clip that the animation should start at in miliseconds.
        • timeScale - The rate at which the animation plays.
        • loop - Options for looping. It should be an object with the following properties:
          • mode - How the animation should loop. It should be either repeat or pingPong.
          • count - The number of times that the animation should loop.
        • clampWhenFinished - Whether the final animation values should be preserved when the animation finishes.
        • crossFadeDuration - The number of miliseconds that the animation should take to cross fade from the previous animation.
        • fadeDuration - The number of miliseconds that the animation should take to fade in.
        • animationAddress - The address that the animations should be loaded from.
    • os.stopFormAnimation(bot, options?) is used to stop animations on the given bot. Returns a promise that resolves when the animation has stopped. It accepts the following parameters:
      • bot - The bot or list of bots that animations should be stopped on.
      • options - The options that should be used to stop the animations. Optional. It should be an object with the following properties:
        • stopTime - The time that the animation should stop playing. It should be the number of miliseconds since the Unix Epoch.
        • fadeDuration - The number of miliseconds that the animation should take to fade out.
    • os.listFormAnimations(botOrAddress) is used to retrieve the list of animations that are available on a form. Returns a promise that resolves with the animation list. It accepts the following parameters:
      • botOrAddress - The bot or address that the animation list should be retrieved for.
    • os.bufferFormAddressGLTF(address) is used to pre-cache the given address as a GLTF mesh for future use. Returns a promise that resolves when the address has been buffered. It accepts the following parameters:
      • address - The address that should be loaded.
  • Added several listeners that can be used to observe animation changes on bots.
    • Currently, they are only sent for animations that are started via os.startFormAnimation(). Animations that are triggered via the #formAnimation tag or experiment.localFormAnimation() are not supported.
    • @onFormAnimationStarted and @onAnyFormAnimationStarted are sent when an animation has been started.
    • @onFormAnimationStopped and @onAnyFormAnimationStopped are sent when an animation has been manually stopped.
    • @onFormAnimationFinished and @onAnyFormAnimationFinished are sent when an animation finishes playing.
    • @onFormAnimationLooped and @onAnyFormAnimationLooped are sent when an animation restarts per the looping rules that were given in the options object.
  • Added support for the scrollTop and offsetHeight properties for <section> elements.
  • Added the @onDocumentAvailable listener.
    • @onDocumentAvailable is a shout that is sent once globalThis.document is first available for scripts to use.
    • Because of this feature, scripts can now interact with custom apps via globalThis.document instead of os.registerApp() and os.compileApp().
    • This feature still uses a separate document instances for os.registerApp(), so changes to globalThis.document will not conflict with any other custom apps.
  • Added the Preact render() function to os.appHooks.
  • Improved tooltips to always render entirely on screen. This can help in scenarios where the tooltip should be shown close to the edge of the screen.

πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where cursor bots would not update in the multiline editor unless no bots changed for 75ms.
  • Fixed an issue where cursor bots would be duplicated if the user closed the portal that contained the multiline editor and then opened it again.
  • Fixed an issue where images that were loaded via custom apps would later fail to load as a formAddress.
  • Fixed an issue where floating labels did not work on bots that were transformed by another bot.
  • Fixed an issue where tooltips that had multiple words would always word wrap. Now, they will only word wrap if wider than 200px.