Project to deploy an AWS Lambda Function and AWS API Gateway using Git Lab CI/CD.
- Open source API from
- AWS Lambda
- AWS API Gateway
- Git Lab CI
1 - The open source API provides a path to retrieve temperature data from their database by passing a city name
2 - AWS lamda hits the API passing the city name to retrieve it temperature in a customized string
3 - API Gateway deploy an endpoint to AWS which receive the city like: awsarn/weather/{city name}
4 - City name in the endpoint path is read by Lambda
5 - The Git CI pipeline is reponsible for deploying the Lambda Function and API Gateway to AWS automatically
6 - Git CI uses standard Git Runner and AWS CLI with AWS SAM CLI to make the deployment
7 - If the deployment is made from a branch, it deploys to "dev environment", if from master deploy to production
8 - Git Lab is also responsible for code versioning control