ANT task used for trusting secure website certificates that are not trusted by your JVM.
ant-trust-certificate-1.x.x.jar An example of the usage of the task is below
<typedef name="trustcertificate" classname="" onerror="report"/>
<typefound name="trustcertificate"/>
<trustcertificate secureUrl="" keystoreDir="./test" verbose="true" failonerror="true"/>
<echo>trustcertificate task cannot be used due to Class Not Found:</echo>
The example above should give you a clear understanding of how to implement this into your build.xml. A short explanation of the above scripting is first the typedef task is called for setting up the trustcertificate by attempting to load the class. After the task has been defined then you are able to run the trustcertificate task.
secureUrl : the secure url (https://host_name) that should be the trust site value. (required)
keystoreDir : the directory of where the local keystore will be located if not used then '.' is the location. (optional)
verbose : set this to true | false for verbose logging (optional)
failonerror : set this to true | false for failing on error during the decryption process (optional)