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move /tick into /ticks
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ffakenz committed Feb 4, 2025
1 parent 0e00632 commit 45a36ac
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Showing 5 changed files with 101 additions and 43 deletions.
32 changes: 21 additions & 11 deletions api/client-api.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,24 +11,18 @@ externalDocs:
description: More information about the Hydra protocol
summary: Get the latest point in time obseverd on chain by the explorer
summary: Get a list of points in time obseverd on chain by the explorer
description: Successful response
type: object
- point
- blockNo
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ChainPoint'
type: integer
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/TickState'
summary: Get a list of head states
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -274,3 +268,19 @@ components:
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ChainPoint'
type: integer
type: object
- network
- networkMagic
- point
- blockNo
$ref: "#/components/schemas/Network"
$ref: "#/components/schemas/NetworkMagic"
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ChainPoint'
type: integer
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions hydra-explorer/src/Hydra/Explorer.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ handlePostObservation pushObservation (NetworkParam networkId) version observati

type ClientApi =
"heads" :> Get '[JSON] [HeadState]
:<|> "tick" :> Get '[JSON] TickState
:<|> "ticks" :> Get '[JSON] [TickState]
:<|> Raw

-- | WAI application serving the 'ClientApi'.
Expand All @@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ handleGetHeads getExplorerState =

handleGetTick ::
GetExplorerState ->
Handler TickState
Handler [TickState]
handleGetTick getExplorerState = do
liftIO getExplorerState <&> \ExplorerState{tick} -> tick
liftIO getExplorerState <&> \ExplorerState{ticks} -> ticks

-- * Agreggator

Expand Down
86 changes: 66 additions & 20 deletions hydra-explorer/src/Hydra/Explorer/ExplorerState.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ import Hydra.Chain (OnChainTx (..))
import Test.Hydra.Tx.Gen (genUTxO)

import Data.Aeson (Value (..))
import Hydra.Cardano.Api (BlockNo, ChainPoint (..), NetworkId, NetworkMagic, TxIn, UTxO, networkIdToNetwork, toNetworkMagic)
import Hydra.Cardano.Api.Network (Network)
import Hydra.Explorer.ObservationApi (HydraVersion, Observation (..))
import Hydra.Cardano.Api (BlockNo, ChainPoint (..), NetworkId, NetworkMagic (..), TxIn, UTxO, networkIdToNetwork, toNetworkMagic)
import Hydra.Cardano.Api.Network (Network (..))
import Hydra.Explorer.ObservationApi (HydraVersion (..), Observation (..))
import Hydra.Tx.ContestationPeriod (ContestationPeriod, toNominalDiffTime)
import Hydra.Tx.HeadId (HeadId (..), HeadSeed, headSeedToTxIn)
import Hydra.Tx.HeadParameters (HeadParameters (..))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,7 +91,9 @@ instance Arbitrary HeadState where

-- | Represents the latest point in time observed on chain.
data TickState = TickState
{ point :: ChainPoint
{ network :: Network
, networkMagic :: NetworkMagic
, point :: ChainPoint
, blockNo :: BlockNo
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
Expand All @@ -100,12 +102,19 @@ data TickState = TickState
instance Arbitrary TickState where
arbitrary = genericArbitrary

initialTickState :: TickState
initialTickState = TickState ChainPointAtGenesis 0
initialTickState :: [TickState]
initialTickState =
[ TickState
{ network = Testnet
, networkMagic = NetworkMagic 2
, point = ChainPointAtGenesis
, blockNo = 0

data ExplorerState = ExplorerState
{ heads :: [HeadState]
, tick :: TickState
, ticks :: [TickState]
deriving (Eq, Show)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -549,6 +558,36 @@ replaceHeadState newHeadState@HeadState{headId = newHeadStateId} currentHeads =
then newHeadState : tailStates
else currentHeadState : replaceHeadState newHeadState tailStates

replaceTickState :: TickState -> [TickState] -> [TickState]
replaceTickState newTickState@TickState{network = newNetwork, networkMagic = newNetworkMagic} currentTicks =
case currentTicks of
[] -> [newTickState]
(currentTickState@TickState{network = currentNetwork, networkMagic = currentNetworkMagic} : tailStates) ->
if newNetwork == currentNetwork && newNetworkMagic == currentNetworkMagic
then newTickState : tailStates
else currentTickState : replaceTickState newTickState tailStates

aggregateTickObservation ::
NetworkId ->
ChainPoint ->
BlockNo ->
[TickState] ->
aggregateTickObservation networkId point blockNo currentTicks =
case findTickState networkId currentTicks of
Just _ ->
let newTickState = newUnknownTickState
in replaceTickState newTickState currentTicks
Nothing -> currentTicks <> [newUnknownTickState]
newUnknownTickState =
{ network = networkIdToNetwork networkId
, networkMagic = toNetworkMagic networkId
, point
, blockNo

-- XXX: Aggregation is very conservative and does ignore most information when
-- matching data is already present.
aggregateObservation ::
Expand All @@ -557,68 +596,75 @@ aggregateObservation ::
Observation ->
ExplorerState ->
aggregateObservation networkId version Observation{point, blockNo, observedTx} ExplorerState{heads} =
aggregateObservation networkId version Observation{point, blockNo, observedTx} ExplorerState{heads, ticks} =
case observedTx of
Nothing ->
{ heads
, tick = TickState point blockNo
, ticks = aggregateTickObservation networkId point blockNo ticks
Just OnInitTx{headId, headSeed, headParameters, participants} ->
{ heads = aggregateInitObservation networkId version headId point blockNo headSeed headParameters participants heads
, tick = TickState point blockNo
, ticks = aggregateTickObservation networkId point blockNo ticks
Just OnAbortTx{headId} ->
{ heads = aggregateAbortObservation networkId version headId point blockNo heads
, tick = TickState point blockNo
, ticks = aggregateTickObservation networkId point blockNo ticks
Just OnCommitTx{headId, party, committed} ->
{ heads = aggregateCommitObservation networkId version headId point blockNo party committed heads
, tick = TickState point blockNo
, ticks = aggregateTickObservation networkId point blockNo ticks
Just OnCollectComTx{headId} ->
{ heads = aggregateCollectComObservation networkId version headId point blockNo heads
, tick = TickState point blockNo
, ticks = aggregateTickObservation networkId point blockNo ticks
Just OnDepositTx{headId} ->
{ heads = aggregateDepositObservation networkId version headId point blockNo heads
, tick = TickState point blockNo
, ticks = aggregateTickObservation networkId point blockNo ticks
Just OnRecoverTx{headId} ->
{ heads = aggregateRecoverObservation networkId version headId point blockNo heads
, tick = TickState point blockNo
, ticks = aggregateTickObservation networkId point blockNo ticks
Just OnIncrementTx{headId} ->
{ heads = aggregateIncrementObservation networkId version headId point blockNo heads
, tick = TickState point blockNo
, ticks = aggregateTickObservation networkId point blockNo ticks
Just OnDecrementTx{headId} ->
{ heads = aggregateDecrementObservation networkId version headId point blockNo heads
, tick = TickState point blockNo
, ticks = aggregateTickObservation networkId point blockNo ticks
Just OnCloseTx{headId, snapshotNumber, contestationDeadline} ->
{ heads = aggregateCloseObservation networkId version headId point blockNo snapshotNumber contestationDeadline heads
, tick = TickState point blockNo
, ticks = aggregateTickObservation networkId point blockNo ticks
Just OnContestTx{headId, snapshotNumber} ->
{ heads = aggregateContestObservation networkId version headId point blockNo snapshotNumber heads
, tick = TickState point blockNo
, ticks = aggregateTickObservation networkId point blockNo ticks
Just OnFanoutTx{headId} ->
{ heads = aggregateFanoutObservation networkId version headId point blockNo heads
, tick = TickState point blockNo
, ticks = aggregateTickObservation networkId point blockNo ticks

findHeadState :: HeadId -> [HeadState] -> Maybe HeadState
findHeadState idToFind = find (\HeadState{headId} -> headId == idToFind)

findTickState :: NetworkId -> [TickState] -> Maybe TickState
findTickState networkId =
( \TickState{network, networkMagic} ->
networkIdToNetwork networkId == network && toNetworkMagic networkId == networkMagic
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions hydra-explorer/test/Hydra/Explorer/ApiSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ apiServerSpec = do
openApi <- liftIO $ Yaml.decodeFileThrow @_ @OpenApi openApiSchema
let componentSchemas = openApi ^?! components . schemas
let maybeTickSchema = do
path <- openApi ^. paths . at "/tick"
path <- openApi ^. paths . at "/ticks"
endpoint <- path ^. get
res <- endpoint ^. responses . at 200
-- XXX: _Inline here assumes that no $ref is used within the
Expand All @@ -74,11 +74,11 @@ apiServerSpec = do
s <- jsonContent ^. schema
pure $ s ^. _Inline
case maybeTickSchema of
Nothing -> liftIO . failure $ "Failed to find schema for GET /tick endpoint"
Just tickSchema -> do
liftIO $ tickSchema `shouldNotBe` mempty
Wai.get "tick"
`shouldRespondWith` matchingJSONSchema componentSchemas tickSchema
Nothing -> liftIO . failure $ "Failed to find schema for GET /ticks endpoint"
Just ticksSchema -> do
liftIO $ ticksSchema `shouldNotBe` mempty
Wai.get "ticks"
`shouldRespondWith` matchingJSONSchema componentSchemas ticksSchema

matchingJSONSchema :: Definitions Schema -> Schema -> ResponseMatcher
matchingJSONSchema definitions s =
Expand Down
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions hydra-explorer/test/Hydra/Explorer/IntegrationSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -141,7 +141,9 @@ spec = do
withChainObserver node explorer $ do
threadDelay 1
tip <- toJSON <$> queryTip networkId nodeSocket
tick <- getTick explorer
allTicks <- getTicks explorer

let tick = fromMaybe Null $ allTicks ^? nth 0

let tipSlot = tip ^? key "slot" . _Number
tickSlot = tick ^? key "point" . key "slot" . _Number
Expand All @@ -157,7 +159,7 @@ data HydraExplorerClient = HydraExplorerClient
{ clientPort :: PortNumber
, observerPort :: PortNumber
, getHeads :: IO Value
, getTick :: IO Value
, getTicks :: IO Value

-- | Starts a 'hydra-explorer'.
Expand All @@ -177,7 +179,7 @@ withHydraExplorer action =
{ clientPort
, observerPort
, getHeads = getJSON clientPort "/heads"
, getTick = getJSON clientPort "/tick"
, getTicks = getJSON clientPort "/ticks"
getJSON port path =
Expand Down

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