A script to check spelling using google translate.
- Python 2.7
- Selenium (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/selenium)
Import the script
import OnlineSpellChecker
Get browser handler instance
hnd = OnlineSpellChecker.get_handler(<browsertype>)
Browser supported: 0 - Chrome, 1 - Firefox, 2 - Safari, 3 - Opera, 4 - Edge Call the function OnlineSpellChecker.spell_check(handler,list_of_word,language)
print OnlineSpellChecker.spell_check(hnd,["belng","rserch"],"en")
With the following script
import OnlineSpellChecker
wordId = ["masyrkt","manosia","mskpun","bgimana","menjadekn","mengtakn","harimoa"]
wordEn = ["belng","rserch","apprximtion","whrever","mistke","abdemon","shllw"]
hnd = spellchecker.get_handler(0)
print spellchecker.spell_check(hnd,wordEn,"en")
print spellchecker.spell_check(hnd,wordId,"id")
The result is:
[['belng', u'belong'], ['rserch', u'research'], ['apprximtion', u'approximation'], ['whrever', u'wherever'], ['mistke', u'mistake'], ['abdemon', u'abdomen'], ['shllw', u'shallow']]
[['masyrkt', u'masyarakat'], ['manosia', u'manusia'], ['mskpun', u'meskipun'], ['bgimana', u'bagaimana'], ['menjadekn', u'menjadikan'], ['mengtakn', u'mengatakan'], ['harimoa', u'harimau']]
This technique still yields many mistakes. It is not accurate indeed, but it worths to try at least for the first step of word normalization. I am trying to improve it.
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